Federal Budget 2024


14th May, 2024

2024 Federal Budget: What’s in it for mid-market-sized businesses?

Australia’s 2024-25 Federal Budget outlines a positive approach for bolstering mid-market-level businesses through significant investments in innovation, sustainability, and infrastructure upgrades.

The strategy aims to transform Australia into a global leader in renewable energy and high-tech industries while enhancing national security and economic resilience.

Enhancing Investment in Key Industries

Central to the Budget is the introduction of new legislation designed to optimise investment in line with national interests, enhancing private investment in skills development and strengthening local supply chains.

The government’s proactive approach in restructuring the investment framework is intended to drive sustained economic growth and resilience.

Federal Budget 2024

Commitment to Renewable Energy and Sustainability

The Budget has earmarked $13.7 billion for production tax incentives, including $6.7 billion specifically targeted at renewable hydrogen production, positioning Australia as a leader in the green hydrogen sector.

Additionally, it supports the processing of critical minerals essential for various technologies, reinforcing Australia’s role as a renewable energy superpower.

A $1.7 billion Future Made in Australia Innovation Fund has been introduced to catalyse the development of new industries such as green metals and low-carbon fuels.

This investment reflects Australia’s commitment to leveraging its natural resources and scientific expertise towards sustainable energy practices.

Furthermore, an additional $1.5 billion has been allocated to enhance domestic supply chains for batteries and solar panels, aiming to boost domestic production capacities and reduce reliance on international sources.

Advancing Defence and Economic Security

A significant allocation of $50.3 billion over the next decade has been set, in order to strengthen Australia’s defence capabilities as part of a broader National Defence Strategy.

This funding underscores the strategic importance of enhancing national security to ensure Australia remains well-prepared for future challenges, with total defence funding projected to reach $765 billion over the decade.

This substantial investment includes a restructured Defence’s Integrated Investment Program to accelerate the delivery of priority capabilities and provide certainty to grow Australia’s defence industry.

Key initiatives funded include the Royal Australian Navy’s surface combatant fleet and a new guided weapons and explosive ordnance manufacturing capability in Australia.

The Budget also reforms Defence’s budget to maximise value for money, enhance transparency, and ensure support for the National Defence Strategy and the delivery of priority capabilities.

Industry development grants totalling $165.7 million are predicted to help businesses scale up and meet the Sovereign Defence Industrial Priorities, including continuous naval shipbuilding and the integration of autonomous systems.

Federal Budget 2024

Support for Manufacturing and High-Tech Industries

The Budget has committed $466.4 million to establish PsiQuantum as the anchor tenant of a new quantum precinct in Brisbane, aiming to build the world’s first commercial-scale quantum computer.

This initiative is expected to advance skills, education, research, and industry commitments, positioning Australia at the forefront of quantum technology.

An additional $448.7 million will be set aside to fund a partnership with the United States’ Landsat Next satellite program to provide critical data for monitoring Earth’s climate, agricultural production, and natural disasters.

The Budget also commits $288.1 million to support the expansion of Australia’s Digital ID System and introduces a National Robotics Strategy to promote the responsible production and adoption of robotics in advanced manufacturing.

Infrastructure Development and Regulatory Improvements

The Budget has allocated $16.5 billion for new and existing infrastructure projects over the next decade, with an extra $9.5 billion over the forward estimates.

These funds are described as ‘crucial’ when it comes to improving connectivity and accessibility, thereby supporting key sectors such as construction, transportation, and logistics.

Significant efforts are also being made to streamline regulatory processes across environmental, planning, cultural heritage, and foreign investment sectors to facilitate business operations and expansions.

These reforms are designed to reduce red tape and enable large enterprises to scale and adapt to new challenges more efficiently.

Federal Budget 2024

Global Engagement and Trade Enhancement

With a significant investment of $520 million, the Budget also focuses on advancing net-zero trade and enhancing Australia’s role in sustainable global practices. This funding hopes to bolster trade relations and improve market access for Australian businesses.

Additional development assistance of over $2 billion has been allocated to the Pacific region and a $505.9 million investment following the Southeast Asia Economic Strategy to 2040 are highlighted.

These initiatives aim to strengthen regional relationships and enhance economic ties, with the government also simplifying trade by abolishing 457 nuisance tariffs from July 2024.


The 2024-25 Federal Budget is a strategic blueprint designed to propel mid-market-level businesses into a new era of innovation and growth.

By focusing on key areas such as renewable energy, defence, high-tech industries, and infrastructure, the Australian government aims to enhance economic stability and secure a prosperous and sustainable future.

Click here for more Federal Budget coverage.

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