Another year, another budget. Though this one’s at least a little interesting: with the federal election looming, who knows what Scott Morrison and Co. will pull out in their bid to stay in Canberra for another three years?
Small business advisors in the accounting and bookkeeping industry are watching closely for signs of relief in the upcoming Federal Budget. Here are the most talked about areas of concern.
Through careful self-education and the use of emerging technologies, employees are being put right back in the driver’s seat when it comes to the management of their superannuation investments.
A special International Women’s Day edition of the LeaderShip of Fools podcast, featuring four female business leaders, takes a pragmatic view of the gender debate.
The latest weapon in the fight against fraud is a professional managed service that uses the best of AI and machine learning.
The textiles industry is bursting at the seams with innovation, with some of the more recent technological advances positively impacting a wide range of businesses – making textile-tech an exciting space to watch.
We thought this was going to have happened already, but it seems Single Touch Payroll (STP) legislation has finally passed, meaning all businesses are required to submit payroll data every pay run as of 1 July this year.
The findings from the Banking Royal Commission report were released this week, causing the media to go into a frenzy. But what do these recommendations mean for small businesses in financial services and those relying on them?
Not only are Australians quickly moving towards a cashless society, it appears consumers are also doing their best to avoid credit card payments – and the knock-on effects are already being felt.