Have you ever had the feeling that making it through a Budget speech was a bit like wading in a swamp?
when your entire industry is being dragged through the mud, how as an SME can you continue to thrive?
Beneath the surface of MYOB’s new partnership with Shark Tank lies a larger focus to support Aussie and Kiwi entrepreneurs and their startups.
This is a great time of the year to review what monies are owed to you – remember you are not in the business of lending money!
Very few industries get excited by a big infrastructure spend in the Federal Budget like the construction industry. This year’s no different.
It’s tax planning time! If you’re a small business owner you don’t want to have to pay more tax than you have to. The following tips will ensure you get the most bang for your buck come tax time.
It’s said that the Federal Budget is an accountant’s Christmas – so what would they like to see under the tree this year?
Every year a cavalcade of peak bodies lobby the government to get their slice of the goodies handed out at Federal Budget time. Today is the retail sector’s turn.
Come budget time, a cavalcade of industry peak bodies present their budget wish lists. It’s now the hospitality sector’s turn.