An inexperienced entrepreneur may turn to those closest to them for funding – and there’s nothing wrong with that, but there is potential for conflict.
A mindset is simply a collection of beliefs and thought patterns, and while it seems like they rule our lives — your mindset can be shifted.
Most businesses find it easier to provide quality customer service in-person, but the online experience a customer has with your business is vital.
If there’s a “tech-lash” underway, it’s businesses that embrace their humanity who will end up on top – and that’s great news for SMEs.
When people think about a business’s identity, they only think about the stuff they can see – but what they can hear is equally as important.
Hands up if you’ve ever had to make a hard decision that has impacted your customers. How many of you did that before you even shipped?
‘No’ isn’t a common word in a typical business owner’s lexicon because it would be mad to turn away an opportunity, right?
Amazon is often painted as the harbinger of doom for established retail businesses, but many small operators can profit if they play their cards right.
Small business owners are micromanagers by necessity, but as the business grows, those who don’t give up control end up doing more harm than good.