New businesses can spend a lot cash telling the world they exist. But what if you could inspire people to rave about your product or service for free?
You’ve probably heard about all sorts of startups being funded by venture capital (VC) – but is it right for you?
One of the biggest decisions a business owner will make is choosing the brand IP for their new venture, but if they get it wrong it can lead to a lot of heartache.
When you’re new to building a business, you’ll need to get by on the smell of an oily rag – but there’s a smart way to do that and a dumb way to do that.
An inexperienced entrepreneur may turn to those closest to them for funding – and there’s nothing wrong with that, but there is potential for conflict.
Marketing is a now a combination of online and offline activities, but to get the biggest bang for your buck you need to link both.
Most businesses find it easier to provide quality customer service in-person, but the online experience a customer has with your business is vital.
If there’s a “tech-lash” underway, it’s businesses that embrace their humanity who will end up on top – and that’s great news for SMEs.
When people think about a business’s identity, they only think about the stuff they can see – but what they can hear is equally as important.