Many people long to hand in their resignation at work. They dream about being self-employed, with flexibility, freedom, and the chance to make their own decisions – but it takes a bit of planning.
Turning casual freelance consulting side hustle into a full-time career can be done – it just takes a bit of planning.
Ditching the boss and working for yourself freelancer can be one of the most rewarding career moves out there, but with all that added flexibility comes more responsibility at EOFY.
Value-based pricing is an important part of a successful freelance career, and getting paid what you deserve is on the top of most freelancers’ wish lists.
Casey Niestat is now grappling with something that’s contrary to everything he’s done up to this point: comfort.
How do you make your side hustle your main game? Michel Cornilje and Caroline Kaup have done just that.
Freelancers can help you grow your company faster and don’t be afraid to hire them.
Here are some tax tips for Uber drivers and others in the sharing economy to stay on top of tax compliance.
If you are a small business person without your own SMSF, it may be worthwhile getting a range of professional advice on how the structure can work for you.