26th December, 2015
MYOB EXO Payroll has helpful quick keys and common commands that can make set-up, processing and moving around your payroll a lot easier just by using your mouse.
You can also use your keyboard to help you navigate through current/standard pay areas by using the underscored letters found on the tabs that operate the different payment and deduction areas of your payroll.
These function keys are great to use when processing in current pay, especially when you are in wages and allowances and then need to go to the next employee you don’t have to escape out, you can use your F7 or F8 key to backwards or forwards to next employee. Adding/Editing/Deleting wages/payments can be quickly with F4 to F6 and when you are adding a payment F9 will help you find the one you are looking to add.
When in either Standard or Current Pay you can easily get around the set-up and processing by just using your Keyboard. Each tab has an underscored letter. Use this letter on your keyboard to activate that area of your payroll.