The end of September brought the launch of a new product in New Zealand, an important update to JobKeeper for Australians and super time saving shortcuts introduced to Essentials.
In taking a majority share of Roubler, MYOB is able to round out its mid-market offering with workforce management.
Born of a need to integrate sales and inventory systems for e-commerce, Neto has become a full-featured platform ready to take Australia’s retailers online.
MYOB continues to double down on product updates and enhancements throughout August, with the launch of AccountRight 2020.3 and more Essentials upgrades.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has postponed New Zealand’s General Election by a month and extended fresh business support following a new COVID-19 outbreak.
While New Zealand faces a potential new wave of coronavirus, Labour appears to have gained ground among SMEs ahead of General Election 2020.
We’re starting the quarter with some major releases, including workflow enhancements to save you time, Connected Ledger in NZ and multicurrency features.
COVID-19 drives digital adoption among SMEs Flexible hours and remote working have suddenly gone mainstream, increasing the appetite among small business operators for better connectivity and more cloud-based solutions.
Recording from a very quiet MYOB HQ, Blake Collins provides a glimpse at what’s to come from MYOB in the September quarter.