MYOB’s 2022 Business Monitor shows economic confidence has worsened among business operators, with implications for how they feel about the Government.
A new report on mid-market businesses across Australia and New Zealand reveals the pressure of skills shortages is top of mind among decision makers.
Women-led startups are still in the minority, but Aotearoa/New Zealand is making inroads when it comes to balancing the scales. Here’s how.
Ahead of the curve as usual, the Kiwi startup space is brimming with women business founders and entrepreneurs. Here are six innovators in the field.
DevelopHer has been shining a light on a new way to attract tech talent and address gender imbalance since 2016. Now it’s launching in Aotearoa.
Join us this International Women’s Day by celebrating the achievements of inspiring women in business across Australia and New Zealand.
New Zealand’s startup statistics reveal the health of the ecosystem, with key metrics trending upwards, demonstrating competitive growth and maturation.
Hosting events has been an interesting proposition in recent times. Here, we take a look at how organisers are innovating and what you can do to stay ahead.
This week, Ministry of Awesome announced the launch of Electrify Accelerator, which aims to help more women founders succeed in business.