New Zealand may be on the cusp of relaxing at least some of its social distancing and lockdown restrictions, and the nation’s retail businesses are being urged to start preparing now.
The Government’s new $3.2b coronavirus support package contains tax breaks, business advice and commercial rental relief.
As trade for businesses operating retail, hospitality and many other sectors come to a halt amid the COVID-19 crisis, tenants rush to negotiate new rental agreements.
The New Zealand Finance Minister has revealed small to medium businesses can expect more financial support from the Government in the months ahead.
As daily changes affect everyone in various ways during the COVID-19 crisis, what can small business owners do to ensure they’re keeping their focus on the future?
Following the release of several stimulus measures for employers and individuals, the Ardern Government has moved to amend its wages subsidy scheme to combine with leave subsidy payments.
With the announcement of wage subsidies and other support for businesses impacted by COVID-19, we asked local expert Lynley Averis, owner of AccountAgility NZ, how sole traders and freelancers can apply to receive assistance.
State and federal governments have been unveiling stimulus packages in an attempt to throw their economies a lifeline as the coronavirus pandemic unfolds.
As the world continues to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ardern Government has swung into action, announcing one of the largest stimulus initiatives in the world, equating to around four percent of GDP.