Lodging GST returns directly to Inland Revenue is about to become a whole lot easier for larger businesses thanks to MYOB’s online eGST filing.
Off the back of a bumper 2015, the retail and hospitality industry continues to exceed national average SME growth.
Think virtual reality technology is just for video games and film? Think again. Its application to small- and medium-sized business will be a game changer.
Are you doing everything reasonably practicable to make your workplace safe?
Cloud accounting is the key to making better better business decisions.
Heard about Agile but not sure if it’s relevant for your small business? Read on.
On the eve of Fieldays, new MYOB report says that despite the challenging effects of the dairy downturn, businesses in rural NZ remain focused on growth.
When designing a new tech hub, MYOB took a radical approach: it let the employees take the lead in designing their workspace.
Your staff’s customer service standards are essential for business success. Here’s what to look for to make sure you’re hiring the right types.