Here are some fundamentals of antivirus software and the role it should play in protecting against malware.
What is malware? What risks does it present for you and your business?
Going online raises concern for some people, but the reality is that online accounting can make your accounts more secure, not less so.
Done properly, backups can protect against a multitude of risks – not just equipment failure, but fire, theft, accidental deletion and more.
Once you start looking at technology as an enabler instead of an overhead, you’ll realise what a boost it can provide your bottom line.
What’s the difference between cloud storage, backup and sync? When is each most useful in your business?
Thankfully there are a few simple precautions you can take to help keep digital intruders at bay, protecting your own business information as well as sensitive customer data.
The best strategy to deal with a ransomware incident is backup, backup, backup.
A reminder of how important it is to properly erase any data storage devices before passing them on.