It’s no surprise to anyone who has a long commute that working remotely is listed as the one of the top preferences for employees. Yet thousands of Australians journey to fulfil their eight-hour ‘work’ requirement every day.
A great coffee machine can lead to a workplace where employees are energised and potential problems are flagged before they become issues – and it’s got nothing to do with caffeine.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg says the most important thing you can do for your employees is give them a sense of purpose.
Time is money. If you don’t track your time, then you’re more than likely wasting both your time and money.
Have you recently pulled off a business win against all odds? How do you make sure that the win is the start of bigger things to come – rather than the start of a decline?
Sometimes parting ways with employees may not be as amicable as we may like, so how do you make sure your business is protected in those instances?
Staying productive on the road isn’t just about fancy gadgets. It’s about finding the right tools so you can make the most of every work day.
Here a few of my favourite automation and accounting tips to save you up to 15 hours a month in your business.
Want to give your employees and company productivity a boost? Implement a few key strategies and reap the rewards of a positive work culture.