Monthly Job Budgets
Cash Flow Forecasts
Consolidated Financials
Excel Board Reports
All for FREE!
Sound Familiar?
As an Adviser or Finance Manager reporting to a Board with MYOB, you have used MS Excel; either to analyse Monthly Budgets by Job or Category, Forecast Cash Flow, Consolidate Data Files, or create Custom Board or Management Reports.
No doubt you would have created professional templates, amended them with new accounts or jobs, fixed broken formulas and at least once each reporting period, exported reports, copied and pasted data, and checked for errors. Typically this would set you back a few hours to a few days.
Fortunately, there is a way to end this insanity. It’s called BudgetLink.
Our first build in 1997 was designed to automate finance reports to exact layouts and without errors. Over the years it has gone through many innovations to become the fastest, most flexible, and capable reporting add-on available.
Every aspect of BudgetLink’s design, from the choice of Excel as its platform to its powerful function base, provides flexibility and adaptability. With BudgetLink, custom Excel report automation is fast, easy, and precise while remaining interactive, reliable, and easy to maintain.
One of our reporting specialists can automate your existing Excel-based finance reports using BudgetLink or adapt one of BudgetLink’s industry-standard reports to meet your unique requirements. We can also provide training so that you can automate your own custom reports. Most people who trial it, choose BudgetLink. Experience it for yourself; we’re sure that you will be impressed by what it can do.
There are two editions to choose from:
The Free Edition solves the core reporting problems and is entirely free
The Ultimate edition solves the more specialized reporting problems
Features included in the Free Edition:
Monthly Job Budget Analysis
Cash Flow Forecasting
Consolidated P&L, Balance Sheet & Cash Flow
Automate Custom Excel Reports
Features included in the Ultimate Edition:
Drilldown to Transactions
Multiple Budget Versions
Weekly Budgeting and Reporting
Cash Basis Reporting
Alternate Account Hierarchies
Alternate Job Headers
Statement of Cash Flows (Operating / Investing / Financing)
and more…
All editions of BudgetLink work with:
MYOB AccountRight Classic (19.9 or lower)
MYOB AccountRight Live (desktop, server and cloud-based)