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Accounts Payable Automation Solution for MYOB

Dataline Accounts Payable Automation Platform streamlines invoice digitisation, workflow approval and exception management.

About Dataline

Since 1987 the Dataline Group has been at the forefront of automating the accounts payables process in Australia and New Zealand. Dataline’s accounts payable solution for MYOB will help you save time and money and make your most valuable asset–your people–more efficient, adding value to their role and your business.

How we automate Accounts Payable

Dataline Accounts Payable Automation Platform streamlines invoice digitisation, workflow approval and exception management. Our Accounts Payable Automation [APA+] platform gives you access to a cloud-based end to end invoice automation solution, with AI driven data extraction and validation, automated matching of purchase orders and receipts and an approval workflow connected and certified with all MYOB platforms.

Our APA+ platform achieves +99% data accuracy compared to traditional processing or software only solutions. Our bank standard approval workflow eliminates errors, fraud, and duplicate payments, allowing you to pay the right invoices at the right time to the right supplier, all with an auditable digital signature.

APA+ helps your business achieve corporate agility by streamlining your payables process, eliminating inefficient work practices and errors. Compliance rules and tolerances are integrated and customisable in the system for transparency, ensuring that our solutions are aligned with the organisation’s operational and financial needs.

How APA helps SME and Enterprise

Dataline Accounts Payable Platform helps companies achieve efficiency and corporate agility through the smart use of AI. Accounts Payable Automation virtualises the entire approval process of an invoice from collection to reconciliation.

Our AP processing platform is capable of two-and/or three-way automated matching, delivering straight through processing and eliminating manual intervention. Our service automatically matches your Purchase Order with your Invoice, or your PO, Invoice, and Receipt. We leverage Smart GL Coding to lift data from your invoice onto the digitised format. This eliminates the need to continually enter the same data, saving you time and improving accuracy.

We are MYOB certified and seamlessly integrate into MYOB, complementing your business’ requirements for faster processing and delivery. And in terms of support, we are available via email or phone with our local experts. For a free strategy session, book a 15-minute AP consultation with us by clicking here.

Customer Testimonials

“Dataline streamlines our invoicing processes and reduces administrative paperwork. Over 80% of our purchasing is made after issuing a Purchase Order so once receipted, the invoices flow automatically into MYOB ExoHosted.” Jennifer Conn, Financial Manager, Capability Resources

“We implemented the Dataline APA+ Invoice Automation solution because of the system-based approach and integration with MYOB Exo. We have been impressed with the accuracy of the solution and removal of our previous manual process has been a winner. Dataline’s ongoing support is also a big plus.” Nicci De Pinto, Senior Management Accountant, Mainetec

Want to know more? Dataline’s Accounts Payable Automation solution is a great way to start your digital transformation journey. For more information, contact us on 1 800 009 131 or

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