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Loan Origination and Management, Fully integrated to MYOB Acumatica.

AcuLoan is your complete Loan Management and Information Software designed within the MYOB Acumatica Framework to handle all types of finance loans such as instalment sales, staff loans, student loans, term loans and many more.

Key Benefits:

  • Streamline and approve loan applications using MYOB Acumatica CRM

  • Calculate interest on a daily balance

  • Capitalise or compound interest monthly (NACM)

  • Used fixed or linked interest rates

  • Process Payments received effortlessly to Loan accounts

  • Create Amortisation Schedules & Track loans in arrears

  • Create transactions integrating with Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable & Cash Book

  • Seamless Integration to the General Ledger

  • Use Debtor or Creditor loans

  • Multiple branches, reporting dimensions and loan products

  • Take the effort out of loan management with restructures and early settlements

  • Create Debit orders

  • Comply with International Accounting Standards

  • Process interest and track the Principle and Interest components of a loan