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Contract Manager powered by eBA

Contract Manager helps you create, communicate and deliver vendor and customer contracts digitally

Contract Manager App powered by eBA is built on eBA Platform that is a powerful enterprise content management platform.

​Contract Manager helps companies manage three types of contracts:

  • Approval and archiving of signed contracts,

  • Control, approve and signing of a template contract,

  • Creation, control, approval and signing of a new contract document.

Typical set of contents of a contract are as follows:

  • Vendor details,

  • Purchasing order details,

  • Contract details,

  • Penalty terms,

  • Warranty terms.

Contracts can be reviewed and approved based on your company’s internal structure and hierarchy. Approvals can be traced in workflow history.

​Contracts can be signed with an electronic signature and alternatively with DocuSign.

Approved and signed documents can be stored on Acumatica and on eBA as well for future review and retrieval.

This solution has a dashboard capability to track contract management activities in real time.

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