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Inner Power Coaching finds strength in numbers with MYOB Business Pro and Payroll

Learn how Inner Power Coaching is using MYOB Business Pro and Payroll to set the bar high when it comes to business growth.

Inner Power Coaching owner Blake Randall

When Blake Randall founded Inner Power Coaching (IPC) in 2018, he didn’t know how fast his business would grow.

What began as a small operation soon turned into a thriving personal training company with a loyal clientele and a growing team.

But like many small business owners, Blake quickly realised that juggling the responsibilities of running a business and managing finances was no easy task.

That’s where MYOB Business Pro came in, helping Blake streamline his accounting and payroll processes and giving him more time to focus on what he does best — helping clients achieve their fitness goals.

From spreadsheets to success

Like many new business owners, Blake and his wife Zara started IPC by doing everything themselves, from training clients to handling the books.

However, their early attempts at managing finances were cumbersome. “In the first year, we did our tax return on an Excel spreadsheet,” Blake recalls. “It took us about four to five hours to put everything together, and we weren’t even sure if it was right. We just emailed it to our accountant and hoped for the best.”

And as the business grew, so did the complexity of managing its finances. With more clients, more staff, and more transactions to keep track of, it became clear that spreadsheets weren’t cutting it anymore. Blake needed a more robust solution, and that’s when IPC transitioned to MYOB.

“Moving to MYOB was a game-changer for us. It was our first exposure to proper accounting software, and it made a big difference.”

Blake Randall, IPC

But as the business continued to grow, Blake and his team found that they needed even more advanced features and real-time data insights, which led them to upgrade to MYOB Business Pro.

Real-time insights means better decision-making

One of the biggest challenges Blake faced before using MYOB was the lack of real-time financial insights. “We didn’t have key metrics on display in real time, and that made it hard to make informed decisions — especially around hiring,” he explains.

“We needed a dashboard that could show us how much we were spending on payroll and compare that to our gross margins and cost of goods sold. MYOB Business Pro gave us that visibility.”

With MYOB Business Pro’s real-time reporting, Blake and his team could see exactly how the business was performing at any given moment. This allowed them to make more informed decisions about hiring new staff, expanding services, and managing cashflow.

“Being able to compare different financial quarters in real-time has been crucial for us,” Blake says. “It’s allowed us to make strategic decisions based on past performance and future projections.”

MYOB Business Pro

For growing businesses with multiple employees wanting more advanced reporting.

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Payroll simplified

Managing payroll for a growing team was another challenge Blake faced as IPC expanded. “When we hired our first staff member, it was a huge relief to take some of the workload off our plates,” says Blake. “But with more staff came the responsibility of managing payroll, and we needed a system that could handle it efficiently.”

MYOB’s integrated payroll feature allowed Blake to automate payroll processing, ensuring that employees were paid accurately and on time, every time.

“Payroll used to be something we worried about, but MYOB has made it so simple. We can see payroll costs in real time, which gives us the confidence to hire new staff without worrying about cash flow issues.”

Blake Randall, IPC

Clear ROI: Less stress, more time

For Blake, the return on investment from MYOB is clear: less stress and more time to focus on actually doing what he does best: growing the business.

“We’ve saved so much time by not having to manually enter data or worry about compliance,” Blake explains. “And you can’t put a price on the peace of mind that comes with knowing your finances are in order.”

Blake is quick to point out the personal benefits of using MYOB as well. “In the early days, I would spend entire weekends going through bank statements and spreadsheets, and it was exhausting. Now, I can generate reports in minutes, and I don’t have to sacrifice time with my family or friends.”

Growing with confidence

Thanks to MYOB, IPC has been able to grow sustainably. With a team of ten staff and six facilities across Brisbane, Blake now has the tools he needs to manage his business efficiently.

“We’ve grown steadily, and a big part of that is having the right financial insights to make decisions,” Blake says. “When we hire someone, we know we’ll be able to meet payroll targets because we have visibility over our accounts and cashflow.”

Blake also highlights how MYOB’s real-time data has allowed him to make proactive decisions rather than reactive ones. “Before, we were always reacting to financial surprises, but now we can foresee potential issues and make adjustments before they become problems.”

Staying flexible with MYOB

Running a business across multiple locations means that Blake is always on the move. Fortunately, MYOB’s dashboard allows him to access critical financial data from anywhere, whether he’s at one of IPC’s six facilities or working from home.

“I take my iPad with me everywhere I go, and the MYOB Business app is right there on the front page,” Blake says. “It’s so convenient to be able to check reports and monitor payroll in real time without having to be tethered to a desktop.”

This flexibility has been a game-changer for Blake, giving him the freedom to focus on what matters most — running his business and helping his clients achieve their health and fitness goals.

A partnership built on excellence

Blake is quick to credit MYOB with playing a key role in IPC’s success.

“Our slogan at IPC is ‘Strength, Fitness, and Excellence,’ and we look for that same excellence in all of our business partners,” Blake explains.

“Our accountants recommended MYOB based on its reliability and support, and it’s been a great decision for us. Having modern, user-friendly technology has made all the difference in how we run our business.”

Blake’s relationship with MYOB isn’t just about software — it’s about a partnership built on trust and shared values.

“When it comes to business analytics and looking at the data, MYOB has been with us from the start, and we couldn’t be happier with where we are today,” Blake says.

“They’ve made it easy for us to focus on what we do best—helping people transform their lives through fitness—while they take care of the back-end stuff.”

Looking to the future

As IPC continues to grow, Blake is confident that MYOB will continue to support the company’s expansion. With plans to serve 250 clients across Brisbane, Blake knows that having real-time financial data at his fingertips will be critical to making smart business decisions.

“Being able to grow sustainably is our priority, and MYOB has given us the tools to do that. We’re in a great position now, and we want to keep that momentum going. With MYOB, we know we’re set up for success.”

Blake Randall, IPC

Kickstart your growth

For Blake and IPC, MYOB has been more than just business management software — it’s been a key factor in their success. From streamlining payroll to providing real-time financial insights, MYOB has helped Blake and his team focus on what they do best while ensuring their business runs smoothly behind the scenes.

If you’re a small business owner looking for a simple, user-friendly solution to manage your finances, Blake has one simple piece of advice.

“Don’t wait. MYOB has been a game-changer for us, and it can do the same for you. It’s given us the confidence to grow and the peace of mind to know we’re making the right decisions.”

Try MYOB Business Pro for FREE for 14 days and then starting from $8/month.

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