Experiencing financial difficulties and worried you are not able to pay? We understand that life can take unexpected turns. Financial hardships can arise from a range of different life events such as a change in income, a relationship breakdown, illness, reduction in business cash flow or emergency events like natural disasters.
MYOB is here to help.
Our priority is to help you get up to date with your payments and back on track. The sooner you talk to us, the better.
What we can do
Our dedicated team of MYOB Account specialists will assess each customer situation on a case-by-case basis and work with customers to identify what assistance may be appropriate in the circumstances. There are a range of steps we may be able to take, including:
deferring subscription payments for up to 2 months;
waiving on-account monthly administration fee of $10 for up to 2 months; and
extending payment due dates for outstanding invoices.
How to apply
We want to make the process as simple as possible, with a few basic checks. There are several ways to apply:
Call MYOB Accounts 1300 762 575 (AU) from 8.30am – 5.00pm AEST
Email us at
Before you start your application, please have your Client ID or Serial Number on hand and be prepared to provide a copy of the following documents:
proof of identity, such as a driver’s licence or passport; and
proof of residence, such as a recent utility bill or bank statement.
In some cases, we may require further documentation from you or need to provide your personal information to third parties to verify your application. If we need to provide your personal information to a third party, we will ask for your consent prior to doing so.
Eligibility Criteria
We assess each application on a case-by-case basis. Financial hardship can be temporary or ongoing and can occur in a range of circumstances. Some examples of financial hardship include:
you are unable to meet current financial obligations (such as home loan repayments or immediate living expenses) due to loss of employment or livelihood;
you or a family member are experiencing chronic or terminal illness; and
you have lost your home, business or possessions due to major emergency or natural disaster, e.g. flood, fire, drought, or earthquake.
This list is for illustrative purposes only, and we will consider each application on a case-by-case basis. If you think that you are experiencing financial hardship, please contact us.
What happens next
Most of the time, we can process your application immediately. Occasionally, we may need you to provide supporting documentation. If this is the case, please allow up to 5 business days for us to process your request.
We take your privacy seriously and will treat any personal information provided as part of a hardship application in accordance with privacy legislation as well as the MYOB Group Privacy Policy. For further information about how we collect, use, and disclose your personal information, please call us or refer to MYOB Groups Privacy Policy.
Independent Financial Counselling
You can receive free independent advice from a community financial counsellor through the National Debt Helpline by calling 1800 007 007 from anywhere in Australia. This is a free service with dedicated people in each state that will work with you to understand your circumstances better and to help with the next steps.