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Download your free template to easily generate payslips

We've designed this payslip template to help speed up your payroll process. Simply enter your employee hours worked and relevant deductions to create a professional PDF payslip to send to your employees. Your employees can enjoy visibility on what they earned, where that money went and their take-home pay. 

Create payslips in seconds

Quickly and easily create payslips for your employees with their payroll information to speed up your payroll process.

Professional, branded and compliant

Designed specifically for Australian businesses to meet Australian legal regulation.

Easy to use when you need

Created in an easy-to-use online PDF format, so you can save to your computer and use again and again.

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Payslip requirements for employers

As an employer, you may ask yourself whether you need to give your employees a payslip. Of course, if you have paid them, the answer is yes, and you must provide your employees with a payslip. Therefore, it's essential to ensure that payslips are correct every time you pay your employees. Our template will ensure you generate payslips with all the critical information every time and allow you to keep a record of your pay cycles.

What are payslips?


A payslip is a document that an employer gives to an employee with each pay. It shows their total wages earned for a set period, for example, salary, hourly wages or commission.

What must be included in payslips?


A payslip must include the following information:

  • the amount of pay, both gross (before tax) and net (after tax);

  • the date of receiving the pay;

  • the pay period;

  • any loadings, bonuses or penalty entitlements;

  • deductions;

  • superannuation contributions including the name of the super fund;

  • the employer's name and ABN if they have one; and

  • the employee's name.

For employees who receive an hourly rate, the payslip should also contain their ordinary hourly rate and how many hours they worked at that rate. 

Should leave balances be on a payslip?


While it's best practice to show an employee's leave balances on their payslip, it's not a requirement. However, employers do need to tell employees their leave balances if they ask for them. MYOB software will calculate leave balances and automatically add leave balances to payslips. See what upgrading to MYOB software can do for your business here.

What happens if payslips aren't given or don't have the correct information?


Fair Work Inspectors can give employers a fine or infringement notice if payslips don't include:

  • don't include the correct information on a payslip

  • don't issue payslips at all or within one working day of paying employees

It is unlawful for employers to give payslips that they know are false or misleading. Employers may be fined up to $63,000 and sometimes have to appear in court to illustrate that they have correctly paid their employees and managed deductions.

What are some best practice tips for payslips?

  • Issue your payslips in a format that's easy to print

  • Ensure your employees can access and review their payslips in private (don't leave these lying around!)

  • Consider including useful additional information, such as leave balances

Do I need to provide payslips if I report under STP?


Single touch payroll (STP) is a requirement by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) to report payroll information on every pay run, you can do this via STPA enabled software such as MYOB. Even if you’re reporting under STP you are still required to provide a payslip to your employees.