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Managing your bank accounts

After you've set up a bank feed, here are the things you can do.

Check your bank feed application status

  1. Start AccountRight.

  2. Go to the Setup menu > Manage Bank Accounts.

  3. Click Add or remove a bank account.

    Add or remove bank accounts
  4. A web browser opens and you'll be prompted to sign in with your MYOB account details. You'll then see the Manage bank accounts page in the web browser version of AccountRight.

Example manage bank accounts page in the browser

If you don't see the Manage bank accounts page, it means your AccountRight company file is not online. See the FAQs below about how to manage bank feeds for offline company files.

The Status column shows what state the bank feed application is at. Note that the application process can take up to 10 business days to complete. If it’s taken longer than this for your bank feed to become active, or you have any questions about your application, contact us.

Common statuses


What it means

What you need to do

Processing Application

We have received the application form and sent it to the bank for processing.

No action required. If it has been over 10 business days, contact us asking if we can query the bank regarding the account and why they have not yet activated it

Awaiting Bank

We have received and processed the application and sent it to the bank. We are now waiting on the bank to process the application and activate the bank feed

No action required.  If it has been over 10 business days, contact us asking if we can query the bank regarding the account and why they have not yet activated it

Active – Awaiting Transactions

Bank feed is active, but the account has had no deposits or withdrawals since the bank activated it

No action required because the bank feed is already active. When you next use the account the transaction will come through the bank feed

Bank Feed Ready

The bank feed has been activated and is feeding through transactions

No action required


This bank feed is cancelled

No action required. If you want the bank feed reinstated you will need to reapply. If you encounter any issues please contact us with your serial number and a description of the issue.

Other statuses


What it means

What you need to do

Account Closed

The bank informed us the account has been closed

If you were issued a replacement card (for credit cards) or have a different account then you will need to submit a new bank feed application. See 'To reprint an authority form' below

Account Holder to Contact Bank

There is an issue with your application

Contact your branch manager or account manager

Account Type Not Supported

There are certain types of accounts that banks do not have a bank feed service for.

You will not be able to set up a bank feed for unsupported account types.

Account Type Required

The bank (or credit union) wants further details, such as your member number and account type (e.g. S1 or S4.1 etc.)

Contact us with your serial number, member number and account type for the account you are trying to link

Already Loaded

You have already applied for this account on a different application and we have already processed it

Contact us with the bank account details, serial number & company data file number of the file you want the bank feed to go to

Application Form Not Signed

We have received the application form without a signature

Reprint and send the completed and signed form. See 'To reprint an authority form' below

Awaiting Application Form

We have not yet received the application form

Reprint may be required (see below)

Application form submission instructions are provided on the form.

Bank Rejected Signature

The signature on your application form either doesn't match what the bank has on file or the account you are applying for requires more than one person to sign

If the signature is not matching then go to your bank and update it.   You will need to resend the form after updating your signature. See 'To reprint an authority form' below.

If multiple signatures are required you will need to reprint the Bank feeds authorisation form and make sure all required people sign the form (one signature under the other is fine). See 'To reprint an authority form' below

Bank Requires Signature Update

The bank does not have your signature on file

Go to your bank and register your signature.  Then resubmit your bank feed application. See 'To reprint an authority form' below.

Billing Account Number Required

You have applied for a credit card and entered the number on the card on your application, but the bank wants the billing account number instead

You will first need to cancel any existing application with this status as bank feeds will never come through. Next, find the billing account number (sometimes called the ‘account number').  It should be displayed on the credit card statement. The billing account number is a 16 digit number. You can then resubmit your bank feed application. See 'To reprint an authority form' below.

Hand-Written Amendments

There was handwriting on the form where there shouldn’t have been.  Banks are very strict with the form and will not accept any changes to the pre-printed information on the form.

For example, the account name or number has been crossed out and a different name or number has been written

Reprint and resubmit the application form without amendments. See 'To reprint an authority form' below.

Invalid Account Name

The bank has rejected this application because the account name is wrong

You will need to cancel this application and create a new application with the correct account information. See 'To reprint an authority form' below.

If you're sure the account name is correct, contact us and we will chase it up with the bank

Invalid Account Number

The bank has rejected this application because the account number is wrong

You will need to cancel this application and create a new application with the correct account information. See 'To reprint an authority form' below.

If you're sure the account number is correct, contact us and we will chase it up with the bank

Loaded With Another Provider

The bank will not activate this account for bank feeds to MYOB because the account is currently still linked to another provider, e.g. the account is still linked to a bank feed with XERO but has not been cancelled prior to applying for the bank feed with MYOB

Contact your previous provider and make sure the bank feed is cancelled there. You can then resubmit the application for this account. See 'To reprint an authority form' below.

Member Number & Account Type Required

The bank (or credit union) wants further details, such as your member number and account type (e.g. S1 or S4.1 etc.)

Contact us with your serial number, member number and account type for the account you are trying to link

Member Number Required

The bank (or credit union) wants further details, such as your member number and account type (e.g. S1 or S4.1 etc.)

Contact us with your serial number, member number and account type for the account you are trying to link

Missing Full Card Number

The credit card application form only has the last 4 digits pre-printed on it.  There are 12 empty   boxes preceding those last 4 digits where you need to write the first 12 digits.  These are empty or incomplete

Resubmit the application form and ensure all numbers are provided. See 'To reprint an authority form' below

No Longer Receiving Data

The bank has advised this account is no longer transacting (most likely closed)

No action required.  However, if the account is still active you can contact us.

Primary Account Number Required

There's more than one credit card on the account/statement. You have applied using the number on the card, but the bank wants the primary account number

Reapply using the primary account number. See 'To reprint an authority form' below

Receiving Feeds With A Different Account Name

The account is already active but with a different account name

Contact us with your serial number and company file ID and we'll help resolve the issue.

Signature Not Matching At Bank

The signature on the application form is not the same one that the bank has on file for this account

Update your signature with your bank and/or resubmit the application with the signature that is on file at your bank. See 'To reprint an authority form' below

Wet Signature Not Received

The signature provided on the application has not been signed by hand, but rather a digital printed (or stamped) signature. Banks will reject these.

Resubmit your application and ensure the signature is physically signed

Reprint an authority form

  1. Sign in to my.MYOB (Australia | New Zealand).

  2. Go to the My Products menu and choose My products. If you don't see the My Products menu, contact us and we'll help you out.

  3. Click to expand your MYOB product and click Bank Feeds.

  4. Select an account and click Print authority form. The form and cover sheet appear.

  5. Print the form.

Instructions on submitting the form are provided on the form.

Cancel a bank feed


You need to be the online owner to cancel a bank feed. This is typically the person who set up your AccountRight subscription.

  1. Start AccountRight.

  2. Go to the Setup menu > Manage Bank Accounts.

  3. Click Add or remove a bank account.

    Add or remove bank accounts
  4. A web browser opens and you'll be prompted to sign in with your MYOB account details. You'll then see the Manage bank accounts page in the web browser version of AccountRight.

  5. Click the delete icon next to the bank feed to be cancelled.

    Example manage bank accounts page with mouse hovering over the cancel button

  6. Read the confirmation message to understand the implications of deleting the bank feed, then click Cancel bank feed. The bank feed status changes to Cancelled.

Need to restart a cancelled bank feed? Set it up the same way you did previously.

Delete an unused bank feed from the Manage Bank Accounts window


If you've got bank feeds you never used, you can tidy up the Manage Bank Accounts window by removing them.

This might be because the bank feed has:

  • not yet become active, or

  • never received any bank transactions.

  1. Start AccountRight.

  2. Go to the Setup menu > Manage Bank Accounts. The Manage Bank Accounts window appears.

  3. Select the account you want to delete. Note that you cannot delete accounts that have received bank transactions.

  4. Click the delete icon. The account is deleted.


How do I manage bank feeds if my company file is offline?


If your AccountRight company file is not online, you'll need to manage your bank feeds via my.myob. This is where you can:

  • add new bank feeds

  • check your bank feed application status

  • reprint a bank feed authority (application) form

  • cancel a bank feed

You'll be prompted to sign into my.myob when you click Add or remove a bank account in the Manage Bank Accounts window in AccountRight.

Add or remove bank accounts

In my.myob, go to the My Products page to manage your bank feeds.

I've changed bank accounts - how do I update my bank feed?


We recommend creating a new account in AccountRight for the new bank account. Apply for bank feeds on your new bank account and associate it to the newly created AccountRight account. This creates a clear point where you've started using the new bank account and helps make your reconciliations easier.

You'll also need to cancel the bank feed on the old account - see To cancel a bank feed above.

How do I switch a bank feed to a different company file?


To change an active bank feed from one AccountRight company file to another, contact product support and we'll take care of it for you.

How do I change the AccountRight account my bank feed is linked to?


You can only change the AccountRight account a bank feed is linked to if there are no approved matched transactions which have been reconciled. If there are, you'll first need to undo the reconciliation, then unapprove the matched transactions.

You'll then be able to changed the linked account as follows:

  1. Go to the Banking command centre and click Bank Feeds. The Bank Feeds window appears.

  2. Click Manage Bank Accounts. The Manage Bank Accounts window appears.This window shows all the bank feeds you have set up and their status.

  3. Select the correct account from the list in the Associated Account column. This will be the account that the bank feed will be assigned to.

    associate banka ccount

    1. Tick

      Only accounts with the Account Type of Bank or Credit Card can be associated with a bank feed. See Set up accounts for more information on account types.

  4. Click Use Account. The account is linked to the bank feed.

  5. Click OK. The Banking command centre reappears.

How do I reactivate a cancelled bank feed?


Re-apply for the bank feed. See Set up bank feeds.