When you created your company file, a user called Administrator was automatically created.
By default, the Administrator user does not have a password assigned. Anyone who signs on with the Administrator user ID will have access to all command centres, functions and windows and will be able to create, edit and delete other user accounts.
Need to change another user's password? See Changing and resetting user passwords.
To set a password for the Administrator
(Online files only) If you've selected the option This user will sign on with a my.MYOB account, the Administrator user will be linked to the email address entered in the Email field, so you don't need to complete these steps to set the Administrator's password.

As the company file Administrator, start AccountRight and open your company file.
Go to the Setup menu and select User Access.
Click to select the Administrator user.
Type your new password in both the Password and Confirm Password fields.
Don’t forget your password!
User passwords can’t be recovered. If you forget the password of your account, you’ll need to get another administrator to set a new password for you. This is done in the Setup > User Access window. See To reset a user's company file password.
If your file only has one administrator account, and you’ve forgotten its password, we can reset the password over the phone (a fee will apply). If your file is not online, you’ll need to send it to MYOB to have the password reset. For more information about our Password Recovery service, visit our website (Australia | New Zealand).
Click Save.
If more than one person will be accessing your company file, you need to set them up as a user and specify their access restrictions for the file. For more information, see Invite a user to an online file.
Why can't I click User Access in the Setup menu?
You must be the company file administrator, or a user assigned the Administrator role, to use the User Access option in the Setup menu.
Using AccountRight v19? The User Access option isn't available in this version. See your help for more details on user management (Australia | New Zealand).