Once you include an employee in a pay run, you can't remove (delete) them from MYOB. But if the employee is no longer needed in your software, you can mark them as Inactive. This prevents the employee appearing in selection lists and excludes them from some reports. It also lets you reactivate their record if needed.
If the employee has left your business, first process their final pay before deactivating their record.
Your plan may limit the number of employees you can pay each month. Learn about payroll limits and fees.
To deactivate an employee
From the Payroll menu, choose Employees.
Click the employee to be made inactive.
On the Contact details tab, select the Inactive employee option.
Click Save.
To see an inactive employee in your employee list or in some payroll reports, select the option to show (or include) inactive employees.
To reactivate an employee
You can reinstate (or reactivate) an ex-employee by reusing their employee record. All you need to do is remove the Termination date from their record and ensure their payroll details are up to date.
Alternatively, you can set up a new employee record for the returning employee. You can't have two employee records with the same name, so you'll need to update the name in the old employee record. Maybe add "old" or similar to the end of the employee's name in their old employee record. You can then use the employee's name in their new record. You can also send the employee a self-onboarding request to speed things up.
If you're reinstating an employee in the same payroll year they were terminated and you're re-using their employee record, you'll need to undo their finalisation for Single Touch Payroll reporting.
For all the details, see Reinstating an employee.