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Timesheets are used to record:

  • all the hours worked by hourly employees,

  • extra hours worked by employees (in addition to their standard pay).

If your hourly employees work a fixed number of hours per pay, there’s no need for you to use this feature. However, if you pay employees for additional hours worked, such as overtime, you can record these hours using timesheets.

When you record timesheet information for a pay period, you can then include the timesheet details when you process employee pays.

Get employees to submit timesheets

Speed up your payroll by getting your employees to submit their timesheets via the MYOB Team mobile app.

Once you have set up your payroll, the timesheet feature is optional. Before using timesheets, you need to switch timesheets on.

Turn on timesheets

  1. Click the settings menu (⚙️) and choose Payroll settings.

  2. In the General payroll information tab, select the option Use timesheets to track employee hours.

    Payroll settings general information timesheets
  3. Specify the first day of your timesheet period from the Week Starts on [...] list, enter the first day of your timesheet period. Note that if you just use timesheets for payroll and your pay period starts on a different day each period, for example, you pay monthly, you can select any day.

  4. Click Save.

To enter a timesheet

  1. Go to the Payroll menu and choose Timesheets. The Enter timesheet page appears.

    Enter timesheet page
  2. In the Employee field, type or select the employee’s name. The employee’s timesheet, with any previously entered details for the period shown, appears.

    A grey value in an hours column indicates hours already processed in a pay run.

  3. If you're recording details for a week other than the current week, select the required week. Click the calendar icon to select a week from the calendar that appears.

  4. Choose the pay item to record hours against. For example, if it's just normal hours, choose the Base Hourly pay item. If overtime is included, choose the applicable overtime pay item on a separate line in the timesheet.

  5. If required, choose (or create) the Job assigned to the employee. Find out more about Jobs.

  6. If you want, enter a Note for the timesheet entry.

  7. Enter the daily hours worked for each pay item. If you’re going to be paying minutes, these need to be entered as a decimal % of hours, for example, 30 minutes is .5 hours.

    To record start and stop details

    If you want to record details of the start and stop times for a pay item, select the Display start and stop times option. You can now record any information you like in the Start and stop times column. The Start and stop times column accepts letters and/or numbers so use whatever time format you like. For example, you could enter "Worked 9-5" or "Monday 9-12, 2-4" or "Sick leave Mon 1pm-5pm". The start and stop times you enter are for your records and won't affect the calculated Total hours value.

  8. Click Save.

To delete a line on a timesheet

When editing a timesheet you may want to remove an incorrect line entry. Just click the delete icon ( ) on the line you want to delete.

To delete a timesheet

If the timesheet has already been used to process payroll you'll need to delete the recorded pay first before you can delete the timesheet.

  1. Go to the Payroll menu > Timesheets.

  2. Choose the employee and the week of the timesheet you want to delete.

  3. Click Delete Timesheet

To print timesheets

You can display and print your entered timesheets by running a report.

  1. Go to the Reporting menu and choose Reports.

  2. In the Payroll reports section, click the Timesheets report.

  3. Enter a timesheet date to display the report.

  4. Click Export > PDF. The report is downloaded as a PDF file, which you can print using your printer.

To turn off timesheets

  1. Click your MYOB business name and choose Payroll settings.

  2. In the General payroll information tab, deselect the I Use Timesheets to track employee hours preference.

  3. Click Save.


Why are my timesheet hours not included when processing payroll?

If your timesheet hours are not appearing when you process payroll this can be caused by the following.

  • The pay period dates when processing payroll don't match the timesheet dates, so check the dates you're entering when doing the pay run. If you've already recorded the pay, find out how to change or delete the pay.

  • Part or all of the timesheet has been included in a previous pay run. To check this, open the current timesheet and check if any of the days are uneditable (greyed out). If they are, it means those days have already been paid.

Why are more hours showing on my pays than are on my timesheet?

Most likely this is due to hours being entered in the employee's standard pay. The quantity of hours shown on a pay take into account hours entered in the timesheet as well as hours entered in the standard pay.

If you only want to use timesheets to enter the hours an employee worked, zero out any hours from the standard pay in the Payroll details > Standard pay tab of the employee.

Standard pay hours zeroed out