You can view the following sales reports from the Sales report group (go to the Sales command centre and click the Reports button).

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Name | Description |
Aged Receivables [Summary] report | For each customer, this report displays a single line with the customer’s current receivable balance, as of a specified date, followed by the age of the outstanding amount balance. View transaction source Click a customer name to open the Card Information window. Click in the Total Due or Ageing columns to open the Analyse Receivables window. |
Aged Receivables [Detail] report | For each customer, this report displays the current receivables balance, as of a specified date, followed by a list of open sales with the amount due in the appropriate ageing column. The report shows every open invoice and notes the customer’s name and phone number. View transaction source Click a Name, Card ID, Contact, Phone No. or Terms to open the Card Information window. Click an ID No. or Date to open the Sales window. Click in the Total Due fields or Ageing columns to open the Analyse Receivables window. |
Receivables Reconciliation [Summary] report | This report displays a list of receivables as of a specific date presented in a one line per customer format. The report includes a comparison of the total due to the balance sheet receivables amount with the difference, if any. Note that the report displays only transactions that were entered in windows to which your user ID allows access. View transaction source Click a Name to open the Card Information window. Click an amount in the Total Due or Ageing column to open the Analyse Receivables window. |
Receivables Reconciliation [Detail] report | This report displays a list of receivables as of a specific date presented in a one line per invoice format. Includes a comparison of the total to the balance sheet receivables amount with the difference if any. Note that the report displays only transactions that were entered in windows to which your user ID allows access. View transaction source Click a Name, Card ID, Contact, Phone No. or Terms to open the Card Information window. Click an ID No. or Date to open the Sales window. Click an amount in the Total Due or Ageing columns fields to open the Analyse Receivables window. |
Receivables with GST report | This report displays a list of outstanding receivables with GST amounts, for a specified period. Any customer with a receivables balance outstanding is listed in the report, whether or not they have GST outstanding. An ‘Out of Balance’ amount appears on the report. It is the difference between the balance of the receivables linked account and the total of the outstanding invoices. View transaction source Click a Name to open the Card Information window. Click any Amount Outstanding or GST Outstanding to open the Analyse Receivables window. |
Name | Description |
Sales [Item Summary] report | This report displays the total quantity and sales amount, summarised by customer, for specific items within the period range. View transaction source Click an Item Name or Item No. to open the Item Information window. Click a Customer Name to open the Card Information window. |
Sales [Item Detail] report | This report displays the quantity and sale amount on sale-by-sale basis for selected items within the period range. View transaction source Click an Item Name or Item No. to open the Item Information window. Click a Customer Name, ID No., Date, Quantity, Amount, Status or Promised Date to open the Sales window. |
Analyse Sales [Item] report | This report displays sales, cost of sales, gross profit, units, average cost and per cent margin for specific items within a range of accounting periods, based on recorded invoices, not including quotes and orders. View transaction source Click any field to open the Item Information window. |
Analyse Sales [Item Multi-Period] report | This report displays your choice of item sales and quantities sold for multiple accounting periods, based on recorded invoices, not including quotes or orders. |
Online invoice payments
Note that you need to be using online payments service to view these reports.
Name | Description |
Transaction details | This report contains a summary of invoices and their settlement status, as well as details of the invoice payments that have already been deposited to assist reconciliation. |
Transaction statement | This report is generated monthly and provides a summary of the fees associated with using the online invoice payments service. The report helps you track and account for these costs. |
Name | Description |
Sales [Activity Detail] report
| AccountRight Plus and Premier only This report displays the units and amounts from each time billing invoice recorded on a sale by sale basis for each selected activity. View transaction source Click an Activity ID or Name to open the Activity Information window. Click a Customer Name, IDNo., Date, Units, Amount, Status or Rate to open the Sales window. |
Analyse Sales [Activity] report
| AccountRight Plus and Premier only This report displays sales, cost of sales, gross profit, units, average cost and per cent margin for selected activities within a specific period range, based on recorded invoices, not including quotes or orders. View transaction source Click any field to open the Activity Information window. |
Name | Description |
Sales [Customer Summary] report
| This report displays the original sale amount, the GST collected and the current balance for all sales within the period range. View transaction source Click a Customer Name to open the Card Information window. Click ID No., Original Date, Sale Amount, GST, Current Balance, Status or Due Date to open the Sales window. |
Sales [Customer Detail] report
| This report displays the invoice line items, including quantity sold, for all sales to the selected customers within the period range. View transaction source Click a Customer Name or Card ID to open the Card Information window. Click ID No., Date, Quantity, Item/Acct, Description, Amount, GST or Status to open the Sales window. |
Sales History by Customer report
| This report displays the total currency amount of sales, by month for the current and previous financial years, for each customer. This can be a large report. For best results, use this report with the OfficeLink feature. |
Analyse Sales [Customer] report
| This report displays sales and percentage of total sales for selected customers within a range of accounting periods, based on recorded invoices, not including quotes or orders. View transaction source Click a Name or a sales figure to open the Card Information window for the customer. |
Analyse Sales [Customer - FY Comparison] report
| This report compares this year’s sales for specific customers with sales for the same accounting period in another financial year, based on recorded invoices, not including orders or quotes. View transaction source Click any field to open the Card Information window. |
Analyse Sales [Customer Spreadsheet] report
| This report displays customer sales for multiple accounting periods in spreadsheet format, based on recorded invoices, not including orders or quotes. The report shows customer sales on a month-by-month sales basis. View transaction source Click a Name or Period to open the Card Information window. |
Customer Payments [Closed Invoices] report
| This report lists the closed (fully paid) invoices sorted by customer. Includes the amount for the invoice and the elapsed number of days from the invoice date to final payment. View transaction source Click a Customer Name or Card ID to open the Card Information window. Click an ID No., Original Date, Sale Amount, GST or Days ‘till Paid to open the Sales window. |
Customer Reimbursable Expenses report
| This report displays all the reimbursable expenses that have been entered for the selected customers. You can choose to view what needs to be reimbursed, or what has been removed/reimbursed. View transaction source Click a Customer Name to open the Card Information window. Click a Supplier Name, Description, Date, Job or Cost to open the Purchases window. |
Customer Ledger report
| This report displays a listing of all sales transactions for each customer, including invoices, payments, and credits, within a specified period range. Recurring sales are not included in this report unless they have been recorded. View transaction source Click Date, Src, ID No., Memo, Transaction Amount or Balance to open the Sales window. Click Customer Name or Customer ID to open the Card Information window. |
Name | Description |
Sales [Salesperson Summary] report
| For each salesperson, this report displays every sale (sorted by customer) within a selected range of dates. You can use this report if you calculate commissions based on when the sale was made. If you base commissions on when the customer pays, see the report called Customer Payments [Salesperson]. This report calculates gross sales (not including GST or freight charges) attributed to your salespeople for the reporting period. Be sure to check the Sales Status in the Report Customisation window. If you commission your salespeople based on the items they sold during the period, run the Sales [Salesperson Detail] report. View transaction source Click a Customer Name to open the Card Information window. Click an ID No., Original Date, Sale Amount, GST, Current Balance, Status or Due Date to open the Sales window. |
Sales [Salesperson Detail] report
| For each salesperson, this report displays every item sold within the period range.You can use this report to break down the items sold by the salesperson during the reporting period. This report displays gross sales (not including GST or freight charges) for each item sold by your salespeople for the reporting period. View transaction source Click an Employee Name to open the Card Information window. Click an Item Name or Item ID No. to open the Item Information window. Click ID No., Date, Quantity, Item/Acct, Description, Sale Amount, GST or Status to open the Sales window. |
Sales History by Salesperson report
| This report displays the total currency amount of sales, by month for the current and previous financial years, for each salesperson. This can be a very large report. For best results, use this report with the Excel. |
Analyse Sales [Salesperson] report
| For a selected accounting period, this report lists every each salesperson’s total sales and their percentage of total sales, based on recorded invoices, not including orders or quotes. View transaction source Click an Employee Name or a sale to open the Card Information window. |
Customer Payments [Salesperson] report
| Displays a listing of payments made on invoices and orders within the period range, sorted and totalled by specific sales people. Use this report if you pay commissions on a cash-received basis. For all your sales people, this reports on the cash received during the reporting period. This report lists the sale amount without GST and freight. It shows GST in a separate column. If you want to display freight as well, highlight the report in the Index to Reports window, click Customise and then click the Report Fields tab. Select the Freight field. View transaction source Click an Employee Name or Card ID to open the Card Information window. Click an Item ID No., Date, Memo, Sale Amount, GST or Amount Paid to open the Receive Payments window. |
Sales Register
Name | Description |
Sales Register Detail [All Sales] report | This report displays a listing of all quotes, orders and invoices (open, closed, credit) within a specified period range. Recurring sales are not included on this list unless they are recorded. View transaction source Click a Date, Invoice No., Amount, Amount Due or Status to open the Sales window. Click a Customer Name to open the Card Information window. You can also generate this report from the Sales Register window. |
Other Sales reports
Name | Description |
GIS Customers report | This report provides details of all sales to selected customers within a date range. This report is designed to be saved to disk only, for import into a GIS. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are tools used to gather, transform, manipulate, analyse and produce information related to the surface of the Earth. This data may exist as maps, 3D virtual models, tables, and/or lists. This GIS report produces data which allows you to plot sales by geographical location, in this case the postcode as specified within the report data. |
GIS Sales report | This report provides details of all sales of selected items within a date range. This report is designed to be saved to disk only, for import into a GIS. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are tools used to gather, transform, manipulate, analyse and produce information related to the surface of the Earth. This data may exist as maps, 3D virtual models, tables, and/or lists. This GIS report produces data which allows you to plot sales by geographical location, in this case the Postcode as specified within the report data. The report contains detailed information and can be very large. For best results, use this report with the GIS feature only. |
Invoice Transactions report | This report displays all the transactions that affect the current balance of the sale, including the original transaction, GST, customer payments, discounts and customer deposits. The report displays only transactions that were entered in windows to which your user ID allows access. View transaction source Click an Invoice No., Customer Name or Card ID to open the Invoice view of the Find Transactions window. Click ID No., Src, Date, Memo, Account, Charges or Payments to open the Sales window. |
Referral Source report | This report displays the total of sales attributed to each referral source within the selected period range. View transaction source Click a Referral Source to open the Referral view of the Sales & Purchases Information window. |
Transaction Journals
Name | Description |
Sales & Receivables Journal report | This report displays the transactions entered through the Sales command centre within a specified date range. The report displays only transactions that were entered in windows to which your user ID allows access. View transaction source Click ID No., Acct No., Account Name, Debit, Credit or Job No. to open the Sales window. |
Recurring Transactions
Name | Description |
Recurring Sales Transactions report | This report displays the names of each recurring sales transaction, the date last recorded, the frequency of recording, and the next due date for recording the transaction. View transaction source Click any field to open the Sales window. |
To Do List
Name | Description |
To Do List - Orders to be Shipped & Received report
| Displays the list of both sales and purchases from the To Do List window. You backorder an item or items, or create an item order, when you’re expecting a sale or purchase to be finalised. You can print this report each week to track and update the sale or purchase for recording. View transaction source Click any field to open the Orders view of the To Do List window. |
To Do List - Recurring Sales report
| This report displays the list of sales saved as recurring from the To Do List window. View transaction source Click any field to open the Recurring Sales view of the To Do List window. |
To Do List - Receivables report
| This report displays the list of open receivables from the To Do List window. Overdue Balances Only Include Company Name Include Company Address Include Report Date and Time View transaction source Click any field to open the A/R view of the To Do List window. |
Other report groups