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Giving staff access to MYOB Practice

After setting up MYOB Practice, add your staff members so they can start using MYOB Practice. You can then assign them roles and control their access to certain features.

Who can add staff to MYOB Practice?

Only administrators can add staff to MYOB Practice.

When you start using MYOB Practice, one staff member is assigned a Practice administrator permission. They can then assign the Practice administrator permission to other users.

You can tell if you're a Practice administrator by what you see when you click Settings (the cog) on the left menu bar. Practice administrators will see the Users menu option.

If no one in your practice has an Administrator role, in MYOB Practice, click the Help button (?) in the left menu bar, select Log a support call and complete the Support request form.

Adding and deleting staff

You can do these tasks at any time, but we suggest doing them after the administrator has set up clients and contacts.

  • Adding or removing staff in MYOB Practice – Set up my.myob accounts for your staff and add the staff as users to MYOB Practice (only needed if you have MYOB Practice, or are an MYOB Partner, without MYOB AE/AO.)

  • Restricting user access to clients – Restrict MYOB Practice users from seeing certain clients in MYOB Practice.

  • Permissions – Restrict actions that you can perform in MYOB Practice to users that are assigned to certain roles.