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Validation errors in MYOB Practice tax

We're regularly updating this page with the validation errors that have been reported to us. For the full list, see the ATO list of PLS/SBR issues.

Checking the error messages

While entering data into certain fields, we'll check for any errors and display a message in red below the field so you can fix it straight away.

After you've fixed any data errors, validate the tax return to clear any ATO validation errors to avoid rejection.
Click the error and it will automatically take you to the field that is missing data.

What does the error message start with? Click the code to see the details

Individual return






Text": "The message did not pass XBRL validation. Please contact your software provider

This error happens when the data is not completed correctly in the tax return.

For example, If the address details are not entered in the correct field or a tax contact has not been entered in Agent details.
To find the exact field of the error, contact support


A field contains invalid data (such as letters in numeric or date field) An error has occurred while populating data model: nil attribute value was set to 'true' for an element that is not defined as nillable

This commonly occurs for a conditional mandatory field that has not been completed.


A field contains invalid data (such as letters in numeric or date field).",

The error occurs when a value is lodged that does not match the ATO's list of valid values.

For example, industry codes.


Invalid string value 362213 does not match any of the enumerated values

We've updated the Occupation code for the Landscape Gardner as per the ATO specifications

Fixed - 7 May 2024


A mandatory field has not been completed

This error usually occurs along with the XBRL03 error where a value in a mandatory field does not comply with ATO requirements


The message did not pass XML validation

This error might occur in the Income details schedule where the maximum number of records is exceeded

For example, Interest is limited to 20 records. Where the taxpayer has more than the maximum number of records, consolidate amounts in the last record.


A field contains invalid data (such as letters in numeric or date field) The value specified for an item does not match the item type. Hint: The actual length is greater than the MaxLength value

This error occurs when an amount field prompts a message Maximum length of 'x' digits.
Correct the value and then lodge the return.


A field contains invalid data (such as letters in numeric or date field) The value specified for an item does not match the item type. Hint: The MinInclusive constraint failed

This error occurs when you've entered in incorrect format on a field that allows only certain values.

For example, in an interest schedule if you enter 0 in the number of account holders or a negative amount in a field that only allows a positive value


A field contains invalid data (such as letters in numeric or date field) The value specified for an item does not match the item type. Hint: The Pattern constraint failed

This error occurs when you've entered an invalid data in a field.

For example, entering an invalid ABN would generate this error


A mandatory field has not been completed

Complete all mandatory fields, indicated with a red background with Mandatory below the field, before lodging


You'll see this error if the Practice ABN and/or the Tax Agent ABN do not match with the registered name

Check if the practice ABN is registered and active on

Check the TAN is present and valid on

If the TAN is registered, check the name used for the TAN matches the name listed against the practice ABN on

If all of the above is correct, check that the ABN entered in the return is also correct.

If this is still an issue contact the ATO.


Declarer contact name must be provided

In Agent details, where Other is selected in Contact name, complete Other contact name field.


Contact telephone details must be provided

In Agent details, enter Agent telephone number area code and Agent telephone number


Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters.

This affects 2023 tax returns.

This was a rounding issue with Net Australian income.

Fixed - 28 June 2024






Tax claim code is required.

Where there are any Private Health Insurance policy details that have been completed, a Tax claim code must be present.


This affects 2023 and 2024 tax returns.

This was a rounding issue with Income and expense fields in the Business - Primary Production, and Business - Non Primary Production worksheets.

Fixed - 12 July 2024


Foreign income tax offset has a maximum field length of 13.

This affects 2023 tax returns.

This was a rounding issue.

Fixed - 24 June 2024


Had spouse for the full year must be answered.

Where details have been provided for Spouse's details, the question, 'Had spouse for the full year' must be answered.


Working holiday maker income amount details are incomplete.

This error occurs if the taxpayer has working holiday income.


Other foreign source income amount is incorrect

This issue occurs when Other deductible expenses has a value.

Fixed - 12 July 2024


The rejection occurs in some cases when you have a foreign pension or annuity schedule with no lump sum in arrears payment, but it's incorrectly adding a 0 at Item 24, label Y.

This affects 2023 and 2024 tax returns.

Fixed - 27 June 2024


CFC income must be provided.

This affects 2023 and 2024 tax returns.

Fixed - 13 May 2024


Transferor trust income must be provided.

Fixed - 13 May 2024


Other refundable tax offsets must be provided.

This affects 2023 and 2024 tax returns.

If there's an exploration credits offset in the distribution received schedules or dividends schedule, add the Other refundable tax offset worksheet.

Fixed - 24 May 2024


Other refundable tax offsets code is incorrect.

This affects 2023 and 2024 tax returns.

If there's an exploration credits offset in the distribution received schedules or dividends schedule, add the Other refundable tax offset worksheet.

Fixed - 24 May 2024


Foreign income tax offset amount is incorrect.

This affects 2023 tax returns.

This was a rounding issue.

Fixed - 24 June 2024


Share of net income from trusts must be provided.

Where any Total primary production income from managed fund, Your share of primary production income from managed fund or Primary production net income from trusts amounts are present in the attached Income Details schedule, the Share of net income from trusts must be provided

Fixed - 5 March 2024


Total current year capital gains must be provided. Where any current year capital gains managed funds are provided in the attached Income Details schedule, then Total current year capital gains must be provided.

This affects 2023 and 2024 tax returns.

Known issue

As a workaround, include the amount at:

- Item 18 A Net capital gain in managed funds and
- Current year capital gains to 18H

Fixed - 6 May 2024


Distribution from partnerships relating to financial investments, less foreign income must be provided

Known issue
Fixed - 5 March 2024

The value should be greater than 0. This error can be found in the Dist from Trusts

This error happens when there is a Distribution from trusts workpaper and the Net Primary production amount is incorrect on the main return.

Known issue
Fixed - 26 April 2024

The value should be greater than 0. This error can be found in the Dist from Partnership

This error happens when there is a Distribution from partnership workpaper and the Net Primary production amount is incorrect on the main return.

Known issue
Fixed - 7 May 2024

Error: Invalid days in a year

This error incorrectly displays when the Medicare label (Item M2 Label E) is answered Yes and the Number of days not liable for surcharge has no value.

We've corrected the validation error.
Fixed - 7 May 2024






Total credit for tax paid by trustee from managed fund must be provided Where Reason the trustee paid tax from managed fund or Share of income from managed fund is provided, the Total credit for tax paid by trustee from managed fund must also be provided.

This affects 2023 and 2024 returns.

This error occurs in the Managed fund worksheet.
If no value is required at Share of income from managed fund, don't enter $0 and leave blank.
If there is a share of income, enter the amount at Total credit for tax paid by trustee and select a value in Reason the trustee paid tax.

Fixed - 6 May 2024


Non-primary production net income from trusts amount details are incomplete

Where Non-primary production net income from trusts (less capital gains, foreign income and franked distributions) is present, both the Non-primary production managed investment scheme amount and the Non-primary production remaining trust amount must be provided

Known issue
Fixed - 5 March 2024


Franked distributions from trusts amount details are incomplete

This error occurs where there is an amount at Franked distributions from trusts is present, but not amounts at Franked distributions from trusts relating to investments and the Franked distributions remaining amount from trusts must be provided

Trust return






Text": "The message did not pass XBRL validation. Please contact your software provider

This error happens when the data is not completed correctly in the tax return.
For example, If the address details are not entered in the correct field or a tax contact has not been entered in Agent details.

To find the exact field of the error, contact support


A field contains invalid data (such as letters in numeric or date field).",

This error happens if the data entered into a field does not meet the ATO requirements.
For example, invalid character in a text field or a mandatory field is blank.


A field contains invalid data (such as letters in numeric or date field).",

This error happens when a value is missing from some of the mandatory fields on the Front cover:
- Name of trust
- Postal address
- Surname field in Full name of the trustee - Type of trust
- Is any tax payable by trustee


A mandatory field has not been completed

Usually occurs with the XBRL03 error where a value in a mandatory field does not comply with ATO requirements.


A field contains invalid data (such as letters in numeric or date field) The value specified for an item does not match the item type. Hint: The actual length is greater than the MaxLength value

This error occurs when an amount field prompts a message Maximum length of 'x' digits.
Correct the value and then lodge the return.


A field contains invalid data (such as letters in numeric or date field) The value specified for an item does not match the item type. Hint: The MinInclusive constraint failed

This error occurs when you've entered in incorrect format on a field that allows only certain values.

For example, in an interest schedule if you enter 0 in the number of account holders or a negative amount in a field that only allows a positive value


A field contains invalid data (such as letters in numeric or date field) The value specified for an item does not match the item type. Hint: The Pattern constraint failed

This error occurs when you've entered an invalid data in a field.
For example, entering an invalid ABN would generate this error


A mandatory field has not been completed

Complete all mandatory fields, indicated with a red background with Mandatory below the field, before lodging


This error happens when a value is missing from some of the mandatory fields.

By default, the following fields have a N value except Item 57 - Income of the trust estate.
Make sure to check these values before lodging the return.

- Is this your final tax return? (Front cover) - Is the trust a managed investment trust (MIT)

Item 21
Did you have CGT during the year?

Item 22
Did the entity have overseas branch operations or a direct or indirect interest in a foreign trust, controlled foreign company or transferor trust.

Item 29
Was the aggregate amount of your transactions or dealings with international related parties (including the value of any property or service transferred or the balance of any loans) greater than $2 million?

Item 29
Did the thin capitalisation provisions affect you?

Item 29
Was any beneficiary who was not a resident of Australia at any time during the income year, 'presently entitled' to a share of the income of the trust?

Item 29
Did you directly or indirectly send to, or receive from, one of the countries specified in the instructions, any funds or property OR Do you have the ability or expectation to control, whether directly or indirectly, the disposition of any funds, property, assets or investments located in, or located elsewhere but controlled or managed from one of those countries?

Item 30
Does your income include an individual's PSI?

Item 60
Was any beneficiary in this trust, who was under a legal disability on 30th June of the current income year, also presently entitled to a share of the income of another trust?


You'll see this error if the Practice ABN and/or the Tax Agent ABN do not match with the registered name

Check if the practice ABN is registered and active on

Check the TAN is present and valid on

If the TAN is registered, check the name used for the TAN matches the name listed against the practice ABN on

If all of the above is correct, check that the ABN entered in the return is also correct.

If this is still an issue, contact the ATO.


Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters.

This was a rounding issue with Net Australian income and is now fixed.

Fixed - 28 June 2024






Assessment calculation code must be present

In Beneficiary details, select an assessment calculation code.

Partnership return






Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters.

This was a rounding issue with Net Australian income and is now fixed.

Fixed - 28 June 2024






Net Australian income/loss must equal total distributed Business Primary Production, Business Non-Primary Production income and Franked distributions.

This was a rounding issue and is now fixed.

Fixed - 28 June 2024


Net Australian income must equal income less deductions.

This was a rounding issue and is now fixed.

Fixed - 28 June 2024

Company return






Text": "The message did not pass XBRL validation. Please contact your software provider

This error happens when the data is not completed correctly in the tax return.

For example, If the address details are not entered in the correct field or a tax contact has not been entered in Agent details.

To find the exact field of the error, contact support



A field contains invalid data (such as letters in numeric or date field).",

This error happens if the data entered into a field does not meet the ATO requirements.
For example, invalid character in a text field or a mandatory field is blank.


Mandatory field not supplied

This error commonly occurs where mandatory fields are not completed.

For example,

- Final tax return,
- Items 7, 14, 25 to 30,
- Agent and public officer details


You'll see this error if the Practice ABN and/or the Tax Agent ABN do not match with the registered name

Check if the practice ABN is registered and active on

Check the TAN is present and valid on

If the TAN is registered, check the name used for the TAN matches the name listed against the practice ABN on

If all of the above is correct, check that the ABN entered in the return is also correct.

If this is still an issue contact the ATO.






Ensure Gross distribution from trusts amount is declared when Distributions to Beneficiaries of Trust schedule is provided

This message is incorrectly generated in a company return with no Trust income schedule.

This is only a warning and you can still lodge the return.






Answer to changeover time question is required

Fixed - 8 May

A mandatory flag field is added.


Answers to questions at (Unrealised losses), labels (M), (N), or (O) are not required.

This affects 2023 and 2024 tax returns.

Fixed - 8 May

An alert appears if the fields completed

Authentication errors

You'll see these errors if you have any access issues for PLS lodgment.






The software provider has not been nominated to secure your online (cloud) transmissions.

If the Agent ABN or the Practice ABN in Tax and the ABN registered in the ATO access Manager for the Software ID aren't the same.

Or if there are multiple agents or you used the company or business ABN in Tax.

Make sure that both the ATO Access Manager and MYOB Tax have the same ABN. Once the ABN has been confirmed in ATO Access Manager and MYOB Tax, you can continue lodging.


You do not have the correct permissions to submit this request or retrieve this file.

If you don't have permission to lodge forms on behalf of the client.

Check the following:

Are the ABN and TFN correct?

In ATO Access manager under Access/Permissions, check if the agent number is added, and has full permissions to Prepare and Lodge returns of that type.

Check if your client's ABN is active on If it's no longer active, remove the ABN from the tax return.

Check on the ATO Tax Agent Portal that the client is listed under the tax obligations subsection. If it's missing, add it.

ABN, TFN and Client Activity Center (ABN Branch Number) are the same as those entered in MYOB Tax. Enter the ABN Branch Number.

Check that the tax return is assigned to the correct agent.

If it's still an issue, delete and re-add the client on the ATO tax agent portal.


Your nomination with the online (cloud) software provider does not contain the correct Software ID.

Your nomination with the software provider might not have the correct Software ID in Access Manager. To resolve, log on to Access Manager (AUSkey required), select ? my nominated software provider? and update the nomination, or call the ATO.

Provide the following details:

Software provider name and/or their ABN ,Software ID.


The client you transmitted is not associated with the agent number you supplied and cannot be authorised.

A link between your client and your agent number does not exist for the selected task. You'll get this error if the details in the tax return don't match the ATO record

Check that you've added this client to your registered agent number, client identifier, and registered agent number.

Edit the details in the tax return to match the details in the ATO records. Remember that text is case-sensitive. If you're still getting the error, contact the ATO.