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Excel based reporting for easy, affordable business intelligence for businesses

Alchemex is a Business Intelligence tool that can be used for standard reporting or data analysis. The software has been designed for easy and rapid deployment. The powerful ready to use reporting templates are provided free and can be up and running on your data within minutes. Access to Alchemex for MYOB is online and Free trial software is available for all users.

Alchemex is able to extract data and report from any ODBC compliant data source. The standard administrator module can be used to consolidate any number of MYOB companies or by using the features within the Administrator tool information from one or many external data sources can also be included in your reports.

Standard Reports are automatically rendered directly into the familiar MS Excel environment so very little additional training is required to run, create or customize existing reports.

If additional end user or CC training is required, the Alchemex Online Academy is available and caters for product related training as well as skills development for report writing and analysis. Ther are a Myriad of support structures available.

Reports can be produced in different formats such as pdf, html or distributed directly via email, for users with more advanced requirements OLAP and web deployment is also available.

Disclaimer: The apps on this site are developed by third parties. MYOB can’t guarantee that the apps are suitable for your business. You should assess the suitability, quality and performance of any apps before using them.