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HBiz 4Hire

Seamlessly integrated with MYOB EXO, gives you complete control of your hiring operations

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Feature packed HBiz 4Hire manages all aspects of the hiring process. Seamlessly integrated with the MYOB EXO Business Suite, it gives you complete control of your hiring operation keeping you more informed, helping to deliver outstanding customer service, avoid headaches and save money.

4Hire Features:

  • True tracking of all income and costs against each individual rental item

  • Full integration with Exonet stock, locations, sales orders, invoices, job costing, serviceable units, and fixed assets

  • Include non-chargeable time in a contract; i.e. Weekends, Public Holidays or Inclement Weather

  • Non-chargeable time able to be specified as Global, per Client, per Contract, per Stock Item

  • Front-of-house user accounts with limited functionality

  • Admin user accounts for full control

  • System tracks all jobs and income from each item over time

  • Rental quoting supported

  • Track rental items by serial number, just by quantity or both

  • Flexible pricing and charging rules

  • Batch pricing changes doesn’t affect existing past entries

  • Choice of charging through invoices or sales orders, straight to Exo

  • Invoice one customer or all customers in one action

  • Ability to generate commissioning, dispatch, repair or exchange jobs against rental items

  • Ability to view future stock availability

  • Ability to produce a range of detailed reports

  • Modern, fast and easy to use

  • Ability to sell rental items at end-of-life

  • Easy to read graphical user interface with big windows

  • Supports commissioning and repairs

4Hire Pro - Includes Job Cost, Serviceable Units, Fixed Assets Support + all Basic

4Hire Basic - Hiring, Downtime, Exchanges, Daily, Weekly and Calendar Month Billing

Contact Horizon Business Systems today to see you HBiz 4Hire will help your business achieve!

Disclaimer: The apps on this site are developed by third parties. MYOB can’t guarantee that the apps are suitable for your business. You should assess the suitability, quality and performance of any apps before using them.