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Import sales into MYOB from text files as output by your own e-commerce or database system

Do your staff waste hours keying sales into MYOB?

Import sales and customer payments directly from CSV and tab-delimited text files such as:

  • sales data downloaded from your e-commerce web site, eBay, PayPal

  • exports from your Job Management, Sales or Order Management system

  • tables exported from Excel or MS Access.

You can also import customer data, inventory item details and jobs so that they are set up for your sales.


You can also import your expenses via the Spend Money import.



TransPost 'mappings' flexibly relate import data columns to AccountRight fields. You can define and save as many as necessary to cover your MYOB import requirements.

You can import sales using minimal data - TransPost can add defaults and calculate the rest. Alternatively you can set up mappings that cover every possible field in MYOB. Once saved, mappings can be reused whenever you need to. Just select your import file, choose a mapping then click the Import to MYOB button:

  • Optionally skip title/header rows before the data

  • Import from files irrespective of column order

  • Specify or automatically retrieve defaults from AccountRight for unspecified data

  • Calculate unspecified amounts using Selling Price retrieved from AccountRight

  • Check customer data to ensure customer for a sale or payment can be uniquely identified

  • Flexibly format dates, amounts and account codes

  • Use email, phone or address data to distinguish customers with the same name


If your sales data includes new customers, you can set up a customer import to first create the missing customer cards. Customer details can also be updated. Similarly Items or Jobs can be imported or updated.

Specify a sequence of steps to place arriving files in a nominated directory folder for automatic processing. For example, if your sales may be to new customers, use a customer import to create the missing customer cards first:

  • Step 1 - Import missing customers and move file to input folder for step 2

  • Step 2 - Import new Items and move file to input folder for step 3

  • Step 3 - Import sales and move the file into the next folder

If Items or Jobs referenced in your sales data are missing in AccountRight, you can set up an Item or Job mapping to import the missing details. These too can be added to a Run Sequence and picked up automatically.


If you use the TransPost Service you can just drop input data files into the specified input folders. If you specify a Drop Box folder data files can be submitted remotely.

When the TransPost Service is running they will be processed completely automatically.

Just imagine

  • Download your eCommerce sales to the appropriate input folder

  • If data is prepared in spreadsheets just Save As CSV into the input folder

  • When data arrives as email attachments just save to the appropriate input folder

  • Sales reps can submit an order file from their tablet or laptop via DropBox or similar

it is imported quite automatically!

If the service is not running, just click the Run All Now button to process all files currently in the input folders.


TransPost has comprehensive logging to show:

  • If any errors occurred

  • What data has been imported

  • What remains unprocessed

Free 30 day trial

For more details see Download TransPost now and try it out.

Just install, register and use TransPost free for 30 days from the installation date.

More information and download at

Disclaimer: The apps on this site are developed by third parties. MYOB can’t guarantee that the apps are suitable for your business. You should assess the suitability, quality and performance of any apps before using them.