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Report packs

Use Report packs to bundle up all the reports you regularly run into a single document that you can share with others. 

You can customise templates, add logos, change formatting for any number of report packs. For example, you may want to create a report pack that contains all of your regular monthly financial statements: Monthly financial statements.

Here's a quick overview of reports and report packs:

Templates and report packs

When you create a report pack, you first need to create (or choose an existing) report pack template. You can't create a report pack without using a template.

If you think of the report pack as book, the template is like the plan for that book, defining what information is going to be included, how it's going to be organised and presented.

Create personalised PDF style templates and select different styles for different reports, or use the one style that suits your business needs.

Here's how to use Report packs:

Create a report pack template

You can customise the look of your report packs by creating your own templates, or you can use the default one provided for you.

Create a template


Let's start by creating a customised template to help you arrange your selected reports.

  1. Go to the Reporting menu and choose Report packs.

    Reporting menu clicked with mouse hovering over report packs

  2. Click Create new and choose Template from the dropdown. The Report pack template page appears.

    Report pack template page

    1. Styling - choose a PDF style to apply to the report pack template. You can choose the default one that we've created, one you've created earlier, or click Add new style template to add and create a new one PDF style template. See PDF style settings for more information.

    2. Pages - add the reports you want to include in the pack.

      1. Click the dropdown and choose which reports to include. Add as many reports you'd like.

      2. Hover over the report name so the six dots  and delete  symbol appear. Use the dots to drag and change the order of the reports and the to delete a report from the pack.

    3. Report preferences - select whether you'd like negative amounts in your reports to be shown in brackets or with a minus sign, and select other preferences listed.

    4. Disclaimer - select Add a full page disclaimer only if you'd like to include a disclaimer in your report pack. Once selected, enter what you'd like to appear on each page of the pack in the Disclaimer text field, or upload a file.

  3. Once you've entered what you need for the pack, click Save as.

  4. Enter the Report pack template name and (optional) Description of the report pack.

  5. Select level of access and report template availability.

  6. Once you're done, click Save.

The template will be listed in the Templates section of the Report pack tab. This will be ready to use when you create your next report pack.

Edit a template


If you've already created a report pack template and would like to make some changes, you need to:

  1. Go to the Reporting menu and choose Report packs.

  2. Make sure you're on the Templates tab.

  3. If you need to DuplicateEdit permissions or Delete a template, click the three dots under Actions:

    Ellipsis button clicked and actions shown

    1. Duplicate - make a copy of the same template.

    2. Edit permissions - display the template name and access details.

      Example edit permissions screen for a report pack template

      1. Only I have access - other users won't be able to use this template

      2. All users have access - template will be available for others users to use

      3. Make report available in other businesses - select this if you'd like to make this template available in other businesses. Once selected, a list of other business will appear. Select the relevant businesses and click Apply.

    3. Delete - will permanently delete the template.

  4. If you need to make more changes, click the name of the report pack you'd like to edit to open the template details.

  5. Once you're done, click Save changes or click Save as to save it as a new report pack.

PDF style templates


If you're looking to edit the PDF style of a report pack, you need to:

  1. Go to the Reporting menu and choose Report packs.

  2. Click the name of the report pack you'd like to edit in the Templates list. The Report pack details page will appear.

  3. Make any required changes and edits.

  4. Once you're done, click Save changes or click Save as to save it as a new report pack.

See Working with PDF style templates for detailed steps on how to create new PDF style templates.

Create a report pack

Once you've created a template, you're ready to create the report pack itself.

Create a report pack


Let's start with creating a report pack:

  1. Go to the Reporting menu and choose Report packs.

    Reporting menu clicked with mouse hovering over report packs
  2. Click Create new and choose Report pack from the dropdown.

  3. Choose the Period you'd like the report to include from the dropdown or enter a Date range.

  4. Select a report pack template from the available templates listed in the dropdown.

  5. Click Apply. A preview of the report pack will appear on the chosen template.

  6. Click the menu dropdown to open the details of the chosen formatting option:

    1. Template options - allows you to change the PDF template you've chosen, and page orientation of the pack.

    2. Cover page - upload logos/ images to the cover of the report, and change the cover title and description.

    3. Table of contents - choose whether to include a table of contents and the style it's formatted.

    4. Pages - add or remove sections of the report pack.

    5. File upload - upload any additional files required to include in the report pack.

    6. Comments - enter comments on the report pack and choose how you'd like them displayed.

  7. If you've made any edits in the sections, make sure to click Apply to save any changes.

  8. Once you've made your changes, click the status that best suits that report. Your options are:

    1. Draft - used for draft versions of reports.

    2. Approved- used once the reports have been finalised.

    3. Published- this will convert the pack into a read only PDF.

  9. If you'd like to save the changes you've made to the pack or the template, click Save as to see the options.

Download a report pack


It's easy to share the report pack you've created.

  1. Go to the Reporting menu and choose Report packs.

  2. Click the Report Packs tab.

  3. Select the report pack and click Download. A PDF containing each of the reports in the report pack is saved in your Downloads folder.

Change a report pack

  1. Go to the Reporting menu and choose Report packs.

  2. Select the Report Packs tab.

  3. Click the name of the report pack you'd like to make changes to. The pack will open.

  4. Make any changes using the left hand side menu.

  5. You can click Save changes, or

  6. Click Save as and then select New report pack.

    1. Select the Status of the pack from the dropdown options.

    2. Enter a different name for the report pack.

    3. Optional: Enter the description.

  7. Select whether you'd like to be the only one to have access, or share access with all users.

  8. Click Save.

Delete a report pack


Once you delete a report pack, you won't be able to get it back. So make sure you really want to delete it.

  1. Go to the Reporting menu and choose Report packs.

  2. Click the Report packs tab.

  3. Click on the three dots under the Actions column for the report you'd like to delete and choose Delete.

  4. When prompted, click Delete.