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Adding associations to a tax return

This information applies to spouse details for 2024 individual tax returns onwards. For other return types and returns up to 2023, see the section Enter association details into each field.

You may need to include association details in a tax return to report on funds shared or transferred between multiple parties, which may affect tax owed. For example, you may need to add spouse details.

There are a couple of ways you can add associations when entering data into a tax return:

  • Pull in existing association details – This basically completes all the fields for you. Super convenient! It uses associations data that you added in MYOB AE/AO, or contacts data stored in MYOB Practice.

  • Enter associations details – This lets you enter the details into each field yourself.

Add association details using existing data


If the option to add association details using existing data isn't available in the section you want to update, see the section Enter association details into each field.

  1. Go to Tax and create or open a tax return.

  2. Go to the section of the return that you want to add association details to. For example, Distributions. If you're in a company tax return (coming soon), open the Dividend and interest schedule.

  3. Click Add spouse from associations or contacts (or equivalent).

    Add spouse from associations or contacts option highlighted

  4. In the Add spouse window, choose Associations or Contacts from the drop-down.
    Contacts will let you select from a full list of all your contacts to add as associations.
    Associations will let you select from a convenient subset of your contacts that you've added as associations in MYOB AE/AO. Any updates to associations in the tax return in MYOB Practice won't be synced back to AE/AO.

  5. Select a radio button or checkbox (depending on whether one or more entries are allowed for the association you're adding) and click Add.
    The tax return is updated with the details of the associations that you added. Depending on the associations added, a summary table may also be populated.

  • Tick

    You can change the association or contact details that were imported into the tax return by directly editing the fields. After you've added associations or contacts, you can also add more (if the section of the return allows multiple associations and contacts) by manually adding them beneath the details you added. For example, click Add beneficiary. (Coming soon.)

  • Tick

    If you later want to refresh an association or contact that you've already added (for example, because their address changed), click Add spouse (or equivalent) in the tax return again, select their entry marked as Added and click Add again.

  • Tick

    If you want to replace an association or contact that you've added with another one, click Add Spouse (or equivalent) in the tax return again, click the delete icon (x) for the existing entry, select a new association or contact and click Add again.

  • Tick

    If you want to delete an association or contact from the tax return without replacing the association or contact with a new one, either:

    • Tick

      delete the fields by clicking the delete icon (x) next to the association or contact fields in the tax return, or

    • Tick

      if the section you're in has a summary table, delete the table row by selecting the row checkbox and clicking Delete.

Enter association details into each field

  1. Go to Tax and create or open a tax return.

  2. Go to the section of the return that you want to add association details to. For example, Distributions.

  3. Complete the association or contact detail fields.

    Fields for adding a spouse

    You may need to display the fields first, or add more fields, by clicking Add beneficiary (or equivalent).