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Known issues in MYOB Practice tax

For validation errors, see Validation errors in Practice Tax (AU).

If you can't find your issue, let us know, click the Help button (?) in the left menu bar, select Log a support case and complete the Support request form.

All returns



Tax returns may have a display issue when scrolling.

In some scenarios, when you have a tax return open for one client and go to the Assets or Documents tabs and then back to the Tax return tab, you may notice a display issue around the tabs at the top of the return when you scroll.

Individual returns



Individual 2024

Medicare levy calculation where taxable income is more than the SAPTO threshold

Currently, there is no workaround for this issue.

Individual 2024

Estimate missing eligible Sec 405 income

In a 2024 Individual tax return, if you've entered special professional income, it's not getting included when generating an estimate.

Currently, there is no workaround for this issue.

Individual 2024

Medicare levy surcharge (MLS) calculation is incorrect.

If the taxpayer is eligible to pay MLS, the calculation in the estimate is incorrect.

Currently, there is no workaround for this issue.

Individual 2024

ETP Offset is not calculated when generating the estimate.

Currently, there is no workaround for this issue.

Individual 2024

Tax withheld - labour hire or other specified payments not included in the estimate.

If you've entered an amount at Item14 label J Tax withheld - labour hire or other specified payments, it is not deducted from the Tax payable, hence generating an incorrect estimate.

Currently, there is no workaround for this issue.

Fixed - 1 November 2024

Individual 2024

When sharing data from the rental property schedule in IITR with another rental schedule, amounts from the following worksheets were not sharing.
- Depreciation expenses (capital allowances and capital works sourced from the depreciation worksheet) and
- Borrowing expenses (sourced from the borrowing expenses worksheet)

This issue is now fixed.

Fixed - 26 Feb 2025.

While this is fixed, you may see an error
One or more destination clients have the same TFN as the client in the source schedule. All clients must have unique TFN.

To fix the error, delete one of the shared owners and re-add them to refresh.

Company returns



Company 2024

At Item 6 label H, if you select the Trust type as P, Q or M, the amount at Label H does not integrate into the Dividends and trust income schedules.

While we're working on a solution, enter the amounts manually.

Partnership returns



Partnership 2023 and 2024

In the Distribution summary, the Amount value in the first row is not updating based on the % value.

While we're working on a solution, enter the amounts manually.

Activity statements



Error: This compliance is locked. If it's not yet lodged, send it for rework to unlock it. You can then delete it.

This error happens when you try to delete an activity statement that is in a Not Started status.

Select the periods you want to lodge and deselect the periods your clients are lodging. This will update the activity statements when you receive the ATO report the next day.

Support ref 01241483

Non-lodgable forms listed past the due date


An activity statement with a non-lodgable status shows under the Unlodged list past the due date.

See Non-lodgable forms on how to remove the form Unlodged list.

Support ref: 01418566