Payroll software solutions


2nd June, 2021

HR and payroll: A smarter way to manage leave

Dreaming of a breezy rostering run? Leave management can be made pain-free with the right setup.

For employers, managing leave means connecting the dots between different parts of the business in order to maintain compliance and productivity.

From checking whether the employee has enough leave accrued to organising a cover where necessary, as well as having everything communicated to payroll, there’s a lot that goes into leave management. And that makes it unnecessarily burdensome to manage without a unified system that can adequately handle all aspects of leave.

So, if your goal is to turn leave management into a more automated and efficient function of your business, the first thing you’ll want to do is integrate leave management with your payroll platform. Doing so will enable the below benefits.

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1. Visibility for everyone

When employees can see their leave information, they can manage their requests more effectively and take some of the burden off of you.

In this scenario, managers are instantly alerted to new leave requests and can approve, decline or edit as the situation requires. Everyone has access to the key information, such as blackout dates and overlapping requests, so there’s less chance of requests being made for an inconvenient time.

2. Setting the pace of business

Businesses often set aside time in the year they know they’ll require full availability of staff, and others where leave is actively encouraged.

With a leave system that enables end-to-end visibility for users on black out periods, a business is able to clearly demarcate these key time periods and in that way set the tone for the way the workforce should respond to seasonality.

3. Better outcomes for employees

Just as businesses often have a seasonal aspect to their activities, individuals also maintain their personal rhythms in life — after all, everyone needs a work-life balance!

Accommodating a large number of workers across different shifts and roles makes tracking availability complex, and that’s before considering casual workers who may have other commitments beyond their role at your company.

Your systems should allow you to support your staff to reasonably balance their work against study, family or sporting commitments, by allowing them to submit their unavailability, as well as maintaining that information in a single, easy-to-access place.

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4. Seamless rostering and better payroll means fewer errors

With the right setup, you’ll have leave requests, rostering and payroll together under one umbrella, helping eliminate scheduling errors and payroll mistakes.

Once leave is approved by a supervisor, it’s automatically shared with your rostering team for upcoming schedules. Automatically generated rosters won’t include staff members who are on leave or unavailable for other reasons, and new leave requests can be declined if they clash with pre-booked leave.

Want to integrate leave management with payroll? MYOB Acumatica People is a scalable, secure cloud payroll solution that can do exactly that. Find out more.