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Our revenue protection service helps businesses

Enlist the help of professional consultants to better manage billing cycles and increase your chances of business success.

With the MYOB Revenue Protection Services, you can:

Recover bad debt

Recover your business' bad debt via the Accounts Recovery Service

Get a fresh view

Gain a fresh view of your business' market and build revenue via List Marketing tools

Check creditworthiness

Check the creditworthiness of your business' customers with Credit Reports

Recover accounts with Accounts Recovery Service

This service helps businesses recover outstanding accounts. By working within a business' collection cycle, pressure is put on debtors to facilitate the faster payment of overdue accounts, thereby maximising cash flow.

Whether your business has a high volume of consumer debt or large commercial debts slowing the flow of cashback to your business, Dun & Bradstreet can help optimise your receivables' performance.


Subscription Price


Commission on amounts collected  


An employee wearing a headset is smiling. They are sitting at their desk and looking into their computer monitor, whilst holding a clipboard and pen.

The service can help you:

  • Use Dun & Bradstreet resources to help you recover accounts

  • Initiate account recovery online

  • Monitor the progress of any action you have initiated

  • Access a range of account recovery tools and information services provided by Dun & Bradstreet.

  • Download legally binding terms and conditions


List marketing

This service enables your business to better understand who your best customers are – both current and future – via:

  • Analytical market segmentation,

  • Profiling, and

  • Predictive modelling

Your business is assisted in the planning of marketing and sales campaigns, which are tailored to your individual needs.

Quality customer information helps a business to gain a better understanding of key market segments. Dun & Bradstreet databases provide businesses with lists of prime prospects for direct marketing, and helps them in launching tightly targeted campaigns.

By providing an insight into a business's customer base, and revealing valuable prospects most likely to buy, positive results to campaigns can be achieved.

Several employees are working in an office, gathered around a large table. One pair are looking over a report whilst the other two are discussing something.

Credit reports

In order for a business to minimise risk and maximise revenue, it is essential to have some knowledge about the financial position of a customer or prospect. The best business decisions are derived from staying informed of any changes in a customer's status.

Dun & Bradstreet provides official credit information reports to assist businesses in making decisions about who to deal with. This service assists your business in mitigating risk within the receivables cycle, establishing credit terms, monitoring accounts and automating the credit decision process.

Visit the Dun & Bradstreet website