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1. Process the final standard pay

AccountRight Plus and Premier

This is task 1 of 7 for processing a final pay. For an overview of all tasks, see Processing a final pay.

If the employee is owed any pay for the current pay period (up until their final day at work), process this like a normal pay. This might not be for a complete pay period, so you may need to adjust their hours or salary and the tax withheld.

Remember - this is just their final regular pay and won't include any unused leave (which we'll cover in the next task).

Processing this final regular pay ensures all applicable leave is accrued up to the employee's last day. Keeping this pay separate from any unused leave payment is a good way to clearly show what makes up the employee's final payments.

Need a refresher for doing a pay run?

Example final pay

Voluntary resignation or retirement?

If the employee is leaving voluntarily (resignation or retirement) and your company file is online, there's a simple process for paying unused annual leave.

After you've paid their last regular pay, start a new pay run (Payroll > Process Payroll) and choose Final Pay as the pay frequency.

Example pay run with final pay highlighted

You'll then be prompted to open your file in a web browser to continue. Just choose Final pay as the Pay cycle to continue. Here's all the steps.

Example pay run in the browser version of AccountRight with the final pay pay cycle chosen and highlighted

If the employee is leaving for any other reason, or your company file isn't online, continue to the next task to determine any outstanding entitlements.