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Errors when moving tax returns from AE/AO to MYOB Practice

Here are some suggestions if you encounter any errors or issues while moving a tax return from MYOB AE/AO to MYOB Practice.

Errors before moving a return

Can't see the Move the tax return online window


If the Move the tax return online window isn't showing up, check the following:

  • You've completed the getting started steps.

  • You're on AE/AO version 5.4.39 or later. See Accountants Office & Accountants Enterprise releases (Australia) for the latest release.

  • The contact sync status is green.

  • The MYOB user trying to move the return has the right permission.

  • The tax return has a Not Started status.

  • The tax return year and form type restrictions are met:

    • Can’t move 2021 and prior years from AE/AO to MYOB Practice.

    • Can’t move SMSF & Fund return type for any year.

    • Can move 2022 and later years for IITR, CTR, PTR and TRT.

If you check these things and are still having issues, contact us.

Can't move the return online because of contact sync


If you get an error about not being able to move the return online because the client isn't in MYOB Practice, it's likely a contact sync service issue.
Troubleshoot the contact sync issue:

  1. Ensure contact sync is activated.

  2. Make a small change to the contact in AE/AO and check if the record is updated in MYOB Practice.

  3. If you do see your change in MYOB Practice, try to move the return to MYOB Practice again.

  4. If you don't see your change in MYOB Practice:

    1. Ask your administrator or IT to restart the contact sync service on the server:

      1. Open your Windows Start menu and type services.

      2. Select Services.

      3. Locate the MYOB Sync Client Service.

      4. Right-click the service and select Restart.

    2. Try to move the return to MYOB Practice again.

Cancelling AE RSD Options for a return from 2021 or earlier


If you use AE and you're moving a return from 2021 or earlier, you need to rollover in AE. If you cancel the rollover at the RSD Options window, reopen the return and try to rollover again, the RSD step will fail.
To fix this issue, you need to delete the return and create it again without cancelling the RSD Options window.

Errors while moving a return

Assigning a tax agent


Depending on your situation and the details of the error, either add an agent in MYOB Practice, add an agent in AE/AO or create a default agent in AE/AO and move the return again.

Unable to roll last year's tax data over

  1. Delete the tax return in MYOB AE/AO.

  2. Create the tax return again in AE/AO.

  3. Move the new return to MYOB Practice.

Unable to move the return online because last year's return is marked as final

  1. Amend the prior-year return to change Final tax return to N.

  2. Delete the current-year return in MYOB AE/AO.

  3. Create the tax return again in AE/AO.

  4. Move the new return to MYOB Practice.

Unable to move a return online for an unspecified reason


Check your internet connection and move the return again. If you still get the error, check the details on the Creating a tax return page.

Errors after moving a return

Deleted return in MYOB Practice not appearing in AE/AO


If you delete a return in MYOB Practice, the return won't be displayed in AE/AO either. The return may display again if you refresh the AE/AO window a couple of times. If you've tried refreshing and you still don't see the return, contact us.

No return data after moving the return to MYOB Practice


If you don't see return data after moving the return to MYOB Practice, this might happen if you didn't delete the return if you previously got an error about being unable to roll last year's data, or last year's return being marked as final. If you got one of these errors and tried moving the return again without first deleting and recreating the return, the data won't correctly get moved. To fix the issue:

  1. Delete the tax return in MYOB AE/AO.

  2. Create the tax return again in AE/AO.

  3. Move the new return to MYOB Practice.