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Apps for Greentree

Applications developed by a number of MYOB Greentree Value Added Developers from NZ & A

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Apps for Greentree applications are pieces of add-on functionality that is designed to work seamlessly with MYOB Greentree. Apps are not smart-phone or tablet programs, they actually sit within your Greentree system. They can take the form of screen customizations, new end-to-end process, additional reports and scripts, new spread sheet functions, or complete modules.

Apps are activated in your MYOB Greentree system by:

A one-off installation of the Apps Framework.

This will normally incur a cost with your Greentree Reseller for between 1 and 2 hours work and require a restart of your system.

Ongoing loads of update packs as you upgrade your Greentree system over time.

This should not add to your upgrade costs.

Installation of a Registration Code for each new App.

This is a simple operation, that can be done in minutes, by a consultant or an experienced Greentree user and does not require a restart of your system.

Disclaimer: The apps on this site are developed by third parties. MYOB can’t guarantee that the apps are suitable for your business. You should assess the suitability, quality and performance of any apps before using them.