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Flow Software

Sophisticated integration & EDI middleware to connect your ERP with hundreds of other applications. Receive sales orders or updates automatically from your customers or websites and automatically send them to the right internal systems, from ERPs to CRMs to WMS and TMS systems for processing. Eliminate time wasted in data entry, fixing mistakes, data errors and manual processing.

Statelake (powered by Flow Software) helps you simplify your complex digital environment and achieve rapid, scalable connectivity, allowing you to supercharge business growth. Statelake connects your systems. internal and external, old and new, enabling cost-effective data and process automation.

A proven solution for MYOB application

Statelake has a suite of integrations from MYOB applications to your other business systems. Extensive experience with Advanced, EXO, and Greentree data transformation and business rule mapping for automation of purchase and sales ordering, invoicing AP and AR us to quickly and efficiently get your systems connected, so information in every system is in sync, and up to date.

Statelake is a highly scalable, future-focused integration platform. Built with modern business and technology needs in mind, Statelake takes care of your integrations, so you can focus on growing and scaling your business.

With electronic data interchange (EDI) middleware capabilities, application integration and modern API capabilities built natively into the platform, Statelake makes your business faster, smarter and more efficient.

  • Simplify complex systems with multiple points of ingress, egress and data storage

  • Improve data visibility and ensure data in all systems is in sync and up to date

  • Automate manual processes and eliminate errors

  • Improve customer experience

  • Get invoices paid faster

  • Free up your staff to deliver more valued-added work

All your information in one place

Statelake’s unique hub-and-spoke architecture means your data flows through a centralised hub. This means every transaction, every data entry and every business activity is captured within the platform. The centralised hub translates everything into a common language. This allows the hub not to only facilitate transactions; but to become the window into your business, providing a holistic picture of all your operations, how they relate, and where the problems are.

Statelake is developed by Flow Software, who for more than 18 years have helped over 500 customers across New Zealand and Australia integrate more than 150 different business applications.

Our team are experts at understanding your business needs, and implementing incredible solutions smoothly and efficiently – no staff dramas or downtime.

If you are a growing business with multiple systems looking to free up staff for high value work, reduce and easily fix data issues, and automate complex business processes between different systems, talk to us now.

Disclaimer: The apps on this site are developed by third parties. MYOB can’t guarantee that the apps are suitable for your business. You should assess the suitability, quality and performance of any apps before using them.