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Netstock is a cloud-based inventory management solution which helps businesses handle purchase orders, customers, suppliers, demand forecasting and more on a unified platform. It allows professionals to manage bills of materials (BOMs), track inventory levels and create strategic plans for demand planning based on consumer behaviour and market trends. Netstock's platform offers inventory optimisation which leads to fewer stock-outs, less excess inventory, and smarter ordering.

Who is Netstock?

Netstock is a leading supply chain planning software trusted by 2,200 customers globally to optimise their planning. Netstock's cloud-based solutions enable businesses to be agile, responsive, and profitable. Each solution integrates with MYOB and leverages enhanced analytics so you can quickly respond to market change and make the best supply chain planning decisions for your business.  For more information:


Benefits of integrating your MYOB software with Netstock

It’s a game-changer for your business. The Netstock supply chain planning solution will analyse data in your ERP and provide actionable insights to drive smart decisions across your business. Find out the three steps to optimise your inventory.


Netstock Key Features

Inventory Optimisation

See all your inventory KPIs such as stock vs. model stock, actual vs. target fill rate, stocked-outs, potential stock-outs, and excess stock in a single dashboard. Action and prioritise items in descending order of impact on sales and cash, enabling rapid response to key issues. Get the ultimate guide to inventory optimisation

Precision Forecasting & Demand Planning

Netstock’s world-class forecasting, enhanced with machine learning, generates improved forecasts that factor in seasonality, promotions, and supply disruptions. Collaborate and measure forecasting accuracy to ensure accountability and drive continual improvement.

Quick & Confident Ordering

Create balanced and risk-optimised orders for each SKU — then automatically send orders to your ERP system with a single click.

Capacity Planning and Sales & Operations Planning

Break down silos and create a central source of truth by aligning procurement and production with sales, finance, and executive leadership. Optimise your plant or resource capacity to prepare for seasonal spikes in demand or supply.

Supplier Performance Monitoring

Monitor every supplier delivery and automatically factor lead-time reliability into your replenishment decisions. Outliers are identified and excluded, automatically ensuring the right amount of safety stock to achieve the desired target fill rate.

Inventory Policy Modeling

Model the impact of various inventory policy decisions and quickly measure the outcome of each scenario. If you increase your target fill rate, how will that impact future inventory spend and closing stock levels, each month for the next 24 months?


Want to find out more about Netstock?

To learn more, please contact us directly or click the button below to watch a demo now. After watching a brief introduction, the online demo asks you to select the features of Netstock that are most important to you, enabling you to decide what you see.

Disclaimer: The apps on this site are developed by third parties. MYOB can’t guarantee that the apps are suitable for your business. You should assess the suitability, quality and performance of any apps before using them.