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Changing or fixing electronic payments

If you pay your suppliers or employees electronically, you might need to change or fix an electronic payment. For example, maybe you've recorded a payment with the wrong amount or incorrect banking details.

What needs changing or fixing?

An electronic payment is typically a single batch of payments, sometimes called a "grouped electronic payment". It contains the supplier and employee payments in MYOB that you've grouped together to be paid electronically.

So, depending on what needs changing or fixing, you might need to consider both the grouped electronic payment and the individual payments it contains.

Deleting a grouped electronic payment

If an electronic payment was recorded incorrectly via the Prepare electronic payments page in MYOB, you can delete it if:

  • the associated direct payment has not been authorised, or

  • the associated bank file has not been uploaded to your bank for processing.


What happens when I delete a grouped electronic payment?

  • Only the grouped electronic payment will be deleted.

  • The individual supplier or employee payment transactions (contained in the grouped electronic payment) will not be deleted. Instead, they'll be listed again on the Prepare electronic payments page, ready to be processed again.

  • If it was a direct payment, the batch payment will remain in the payments portal.

  • If a bank file was created, the bank file will not be affected.

To delete a grouped electronic payment:

  1. Go to the Banking menu and click Find transactions.

  2. On the Debits and credits tab:

    1. Enter a date range that includes the date you processed the electronic payment.

    2. In the Account field, choose your Electronic Clearing Account.

      Using MYOB Business - Payroll only?

      To find the electronic payment, go to the Payroll menu > Pay runs and click the date of payment for the pay run that the electronic payment was made for. Now click an employee that was included in the electronic payment - you'll see the electronic payment Reference no near the bottom.

  3. Click the Reference no to open the electronic payment transaction.

  4. Click Delete.

  5. At the confirmation message, click Delete. The grouped electronic payment transaction is deleted, and all the payments within in will be listed on the Prepare electronic payments page.

Changing a transaction within a grouped electronic payment

If you've prepared an electronic payment, you'll be able to change a transaction within that electronic payment only if:

  • the associated direct payment has not been authorised, or

  • the associated bank file has not been uploaded to your bank for processing.

To change a transaction in a grouped electronic payment

  1. Delete the electronic payment (see above for details).

  2. Change the transaction which needs fixing. For help see Entering payments made to suppliers or Changing or deleting a pay.

  3. If you've changed the supplier or employee payment, you can then process the electronic payment again.

Recreating a bank file

To recreate a bank file you'll need to find and open the relevant electronic transaction, then download the bank file again.

  1. Go to the Banking menu > Find transactions>Debits and credits tab.

  2. Use the filters across the top of the Find transactions page to narrow your search. For example, if you're looking for employee payments, choose Payroll in the Source journal field.

    Using MYOB Business - Payroll only?

    To find the electronic payment, go to the Payroll menu > Pay runs and click the date of payment for the pay run that the electronic payment was made for. Now click an employee that was included in the electronic payment - you'll see the electronic payment Reference no near the bottom.

  3. Click the Reference no. to open the transaction.

  4. Click Download Bank File to download the bank file:

    Download Bank File

If you need to do something that isn't covered above, or you just need a hand, we're here to help.