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Allowances are extra payments made to employees for things like travel, meals, tools or particular skills. All you need to do is set up the allowance to suit your needs and assign it to the applicable employees. The allowance will then be included in the employees' pays.

Check the rules

To clarify which allowances your employees might be entitled to and whether they're taxable, visit and

Setting up and paying an allowance

When you set up an allowance, you'll define the amount of the allowance and which employees it applies to. If the allowance will be the same amount each pay, you can set this amount. Or you can set different amounts per employee, or enter the amount when you process your payroll.

To set up an allowance

  1. Go to the Payroll menu > Employees.

  2. Click an employee who will be paid the allowance.

  3. Click the Standard pay tab.

  4. Under Earnings, click Add earnings Create earnings pay item.

    Animation showing add earnings being clicked
  5. Enter a Name of earning for the allowance, for example "Meal Allowance".

  6. If you'd like a different, more personalised, name to show on pay slips for this allowance, enter a Name for pay slip. Otherwise enter the same text as the Name of earning.

  7. For the Type, choose Allowance.

  8. Choose the Rate.

    • Fixed amount per pay—Choose this if the allowance is the same amount per pay, like a meal or tool allowance.

    • Per hour—Choose this if the allowance is a fixed amount per unit (per hour, per day, per KM, etc.).

  9. Enter the Default rate. This is the fixed or per unit amount that will be paid for this allowance. If you leave it set to 0.00 you'll need to enter the amount each time you pay the allowance. Or, you can set a custom amount per employee as described in the next task.

  10. (Optional) If you want to track these allowance payments through a separate account, select the option Override employees' wage expense account and choose the override account in the field that appears. Need to create a new account?

  11. Choose the Tax setting

    • Taxable – the allowance will have tax deducted

    • Non-taxable – the allowance won't have tax deducted

    • Tax as extra pay – the allowance will be taxed as extra pay, like a bonus

  12. If the Tax is set to Taxable or Tax as extra pay, select whether to Include in KiwiSaver contributions. If unsure, check with Inland Revenue or your accounting advisor.

  13. Select whether the allowance will be included in ordinary weekly pay or gross earnings for leave calculations. Learn more about these options.

  14. Under Employees using this pay item, choose the employees to be assigned this allowance. To remove an employee, click the delete  icon for that employee.

  15. When you're done, click Save. Here's our example for a fixed $20 meal allowance:

    Example allowance setup

The allowance will now be available in each of the allocated employee's pays. When you do a pay run, you can enter or change the allowance amount you're paying them. Or you can set a default payment amount for an employee as described below.

To set an allowance amount for an employee


If an employee will receive the same allowance amount each pay, you can set that amount in their standard pay. This means you won't have to enter the amount each time you pay that employee.

  1. Go to the Payroll menu > Employees.

  2. Click the employee's name.

  3. Click the Standard pay tab.

  4. Enter the allowance amount to be paid to this employee each pay.

    Allowance with amount highlighted

  5. Click Save.

The set amount will now be included each time you pay the employee. But you can easily change or remove the amount when you pay the allowance as shown below.

To add or remove the allowance from an employee


When you set up an allowance, you likely assigned it to the relevant employees. But you can assign or remove the allowance from any employee at any time.

  1. Go to the Payroll menu > Employees.

  2. Click an employee who has been assigned the allowance.

  3. Click the Standard pay tab.

  4. Click the allowance name to open it.

  5. Under Employees using this pay item:

    • assign the allowance to an employee by clicking the dropdown arrow and choosing them from the list

    • remove the allowance from an employee by clicking the delete ( ) icon for that employee

  6. When you're done, click Save.

Paying the allowance


OK—you've set up an allowance and assigned it to the relevant employees. Now when you process the employee's next pay, the allowance will be included.

  1. Go to the Create menu > Pay run.

  2. Choose the Pay cycle and confirm the pay dates.

  3. Click Next.

  4. Click the down arrow  for an employee to open their pay.

  5. If the allowance has been set up as Per hour, enter the number of units being paid (hours, days, km, etc.) in the Hours field.

  6. Enter or confirm the allowance Amount.

    Example pay with meal allowance highlighted
  7. Continue processing the pay as normal. Need a refresher?