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Accept an invitation to work online

If you've been invited to access an online AccountRight company file, you're in the right place. You'll have received this invitation via email.

What an invitation email looks like

  • the From address will be:

  • the link on the I accept button will include: – you can check this by hovering your mouse over the button

User access invitation email characteristics

If something doesn't look right...

If you receive an email that looks suspicious, or you have any other security concerns, see Security at MYOB for information on how to keep your MYOB account and data secure.

Once you've accepted the invitation, you can access the company file via a web browser. Or, you can install AccountRight and open the company file on your PC.

Accepting the invitation  

1. Accept the invitation (set up your MYOB account)

  1. Open the email you received and click the Accept Invitation link. A webpage opens where you will complete the acceptance process.

  2. Follow the onscreen instructions to accept.

    You'll be prompted to set up an email address and password, or to confirm your current MYOB account details as part of the acceptance process.

    The invitation email tells you what level of access you have:


For more information on what you can do in an online file, see Invite a user to an online file.

Access the company file online—without AccountRightOnce you've accepted the invitation, you can access the AccountRight company file via any device with an internet browser, like your computer (PC or Mac), tablet – or a smartphone! See Access an AccountRight company file in a web browser.

2. Install AccountRight


You don’t need to own AccountRight to work with an AccountRight file you’ve been invited to use. But you do need it installed on each computer that you want to access the online company file from.

For example, if you want to access the file from your home computer as well as the office computer, you need to install AccountRight on both computers.

You can download AccountRight here, then double-click the downloaded file to install. Need more details? See Install AccountRight.

3. Open the online company file

  1. Double-click the AccountRight shortcut on your desktop to start AccountRight. The Welcome to AccountRight window appears.

    Welcome window

  2. Click Open a company file. The Library Browser appears.

    Library browser online

  3. Click Online. The Sign in to MYOB window appears.

    myob sign in window

  4. Sign in using your MYOB account details. You will have set up these details when you accepted your invitation.

  5. If prompted, enter your two-factor authentication code.

    1. Tick

      What's two-factor authentication? It's a means of securing your MYOB account so it can't be accessed fraudulently. For all the details, see Two-factor authentication.

  6. In the Company files online list, double-click the company file you've been invited to access, or select it and click Open.

  7. If prompted, sign in with your company file User ID and Password. If you don’t know these details, contact the person who invited you.

    The Command Centre appears. You can now work on the online company file.