Is your shoebox overflowing with receipts you’re keeping “just in case”? With MYOB Capture, you can take a quick photo of a receipt and upload it to your MYOB business in seconds – helping you keep compliant and organised.
If you have a compatible Android or iOS device, you’re ready to go – just download and install MYOB Capture:
Download from the App Store (iOS)
Download from Google Play (Android)
Once it's installed, here’s how it works:
Take a photo of a receipt.
Crop the photo to remove unwanted areas.
Upload the photo to your MYOB Business!
Your receipt will be uploaded, ready to use in MYOB.
You can also add a note to your captured receipt. You may want to add notes about who captured the receipt, how it was paid or how it should be allocated. Notes will be saved along with the document and will appear in any transactions you use them in, such as a spend money transaction or a bill.
Notes don't appear in uploads.
Do you have multiple MYOB businesses? No problem – the app lets you switch between them.
Who has access to MYOB Capture? Anyone who has access to your MYOB business will be able to use MYOB Capture to upload receipts. They don’t need any special permissions. See Set up a new user for MYOB Capture below.
To capture and adjust an image
Take a picture of your receipt on the home screen. A purple outline will appear over your image.
Line up the corners of your receipt with the corners of the purple outline – a circle will appear to magnify wherever you place your finger. If you're not happy with the pic, tap Retake to have another go.
Once you've lined everything up, tap Next. A cropped version of the image will appear.
If you'd like to add a note to go along with the image:
Click on Add note.
Type the note text.
Click Save at the top right.
The note will be saved with the image and will appear in any transactions you create from it.
If you're happy with the image, tap Send or tap Back to adjust.
To save a copy of your receipts to your iOS device's gallery
To save photos to your device's gallery, you need to configure your settings.
Open the app and tap Settings in the top right hand corner.
Tap Save uploads to Photos. A pop up appears.
Select Settings . You'll be taken to your phone settings.
Select Photos.
Select Read and write.
Now every time you upload a photo using MYOB Capture, it'll save a copy of the photo in your phone's gallery.
To save a copy of your receipts to your Android device's gallery
To save photos to your Android device's gallery, you need to configure your settings.
Open the app and tap Settings in the top right hand corner. A Permission required pop up appears.
Tap OK. Another pop up appears.
Tap Allow to give MYOB Capture access to your device.
Now every time you upload a photo using MYOB Capture, it'll save a copy of the photo in your phone's gallery.
To switch businesses
If you have more than one MYOB business, you can choose which one to upload captured receipts to.
For information on how to create an additional MYOB business, see the frequently asked question in Using multiple businesses.
Take your picture and adjust the purple outline.
Tap Preview.
Tap Switch. A list of your MYOB businesses will appear.
Select the business you'd like to switch to.
Now every time your images will be uploaded to that business.

Setting up a new user
Anyone who has access to your MYOB business will be able to use MYOB Capture to upload receipts. If you want to set up a new user for MYOB Capture, you need to invite them to your MYOB business.
To set up a new user for MYOB Capture
Before you start: You must be the company file administrator, or be a user assigned the Administrator role, to set up a new user.
Sign in to your MYOB business as an administrator.
Click the settings menu (⚙️) and choose Users and permissions.
Click Create user.
Enter the user’s Name and Email.
In the Access section:
Select the access you want to give the user. Learn about access levels
For the User Type, choose File user.
Click Save and send invitation. The user is added with the status of Invited. An email will be sent to the user's email address inviting them to access your MYOB business.
Once they accept the invitation, they can start using MYOB Capture.
Matching receipts to spend money transactions
The matching feature uses the amount and date on your uploaded receipts and finds any spend money transactions that match. You can review the matches and attach the document if it's correct. This way, you won’t need to link receipts in MYOB back at the office. It’ll all be done for you!
To review matches and attach receipts
If you see a "XYZ matches" message at the top of your MYOB Capture app, it means one of your documents has a spend money transaction that appears to match.
Click on the "XYZ matches" message. You'll see a summary of the spend money transaction at the top and your receipt just below.
If the match is correct and you want to attach the receipt to the transaction, tap Attach.
If the match is incorrect or you don't want to link the receipt, tap Skip.
If there are more matches, the next suggested match will appear.
Any documents you've matched to spend money transactions in MYOB Capture will be automatically reflected in MYOB.
To enable or disable matching
Transaction matching is enabled by default. You can turn it off in the Settings screen of your MYOB Capture app.
What happens next?
Once the receipt has been uploaded to your MYOB business you can:
record a new bill
link to an existing bill
link to a bank transaction
record a spend money transaction