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Troubleshooting online files

Are you experiencing an issue with Online files? You may find your answer in these troubleshooting topics.

Login issues


If you're having trouble logging in to access Online files, your Practice administrator might not have given you access. Check with your Practice administrator.

Practice administrators can find more information on giving staff access on the Adding or removing staff in MYOB Practice help page.

Failed coding reports


You may see an error about coding reports failing, at the top of the Online files page. Click here to learn more about what you can do about this.

Options for AccountRight classic v19 files


Wondering how to work with AccountRight classic files (v19)? Check out the help page for Desktop files view.

MYOB Business files missing


Were you expecting to find MYOB Essentials or MYOB Business files, but they're not there? Your Practice administrator might not have given you access. Check with your Practice administrator.

If your Practice administrator isn't sure how to add you, you can give them a link to the relevant help page:

Your MYOB Business file might also be missing because we've archived it. We archive MYOB Business file if they've been both

  • cancelled or expired for 62 days or more

  • have not been accessed in the last year.

Contact support to have this file restored.

Why doesn’t the Client files page show the files I created?


If you’ve recently created a file, perhaps someone has restricted your access to the client. The Client files page only shows files linked to clients you have access to. If your access has been removed, you can get access again by contacting your Practice administrator.

Another reason you might not see the client’s file on the Client files page is if your user account or advisor account has been removed from within the client’s file. Learn about getting and removing access to a file.