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Clients and contacts

The Clients page is a collection of all the client and contact details you may use while working in MYOB Practice.

Open the Clients page

Go to Clients > Client list.

Clients menu and Client list and Portal list submenus

If you don't see the Clients menu option, click All clients in the clients side menu.

Wondering what the other menu option is? Learn more about Portals.

Use the Clients page

  • Create clients and contacts.

  • View the details of your client such as name, address, contact details, etc.

  • Access the client workspace to see the work in progress for your client.

    Click a client's name to open their workspace, or click anywhere else in the client row to quickly view their details on the same page, including phone numbers and tax information, and proof of ID.
    (New Zealand only) You can also use the Contact list page to search for IRD numbers.

  • filter and group the list by:

Have a long list of clients, but working on just a few at the moment? Pin the clients you're working on to the client side menu.

Client or contact?

  • Clients are individuals or entities such as companies that you do work for. They must have a client code assigned to them.

  • Contacts are individuals or entities such as companies that your practice may come into contact with as part of its work.
    For example, prospective clients, suppliers of products and services such as banks, and shareholders, directors, or partners that you may need in your database but do not do work for.

You assign a client or general contact category when creating the client or contact. You can use the Clients page filters to see only clients or contacts.