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Restricting user access to clients

There may be clients in your database whose details you wish to keep confidential and give access to only certain staff in your practice.

As an Practice administrator, you can restrict other staff from seeing certain clients in MYOB Practice.

Add or remove client restrictions

The way you restrict user access to clients depends on which software you use.

Practice administrators can access all clients.

If you use MYOB Practice and are

Set up restrictions:

not an MYOB AE user

Set up in MYOB Practice (see below for instructions).

an MYOB AE user

Make sure Contacts Migration is activated.
Set up Team Security in MYOB AE. Those security settings will apply to your clients and staff in MYOB Practice.If your practice has multiple AE/AO databases, the client restrictions apply in the database that the client's been added to in your practice.

an MYOB AO (NZ) user

Make sure Contacts Migration is activated.
Set up Team Security in MYOB AO. Those security settings will apply to your clients and staff in MYOB Practice.

I'm an MYOB Practice user (without MYOB AE/AO)

Choose which client you want to make a restricted client, and then choose which users you want to be able to access the restricted clients.

To add or remove client restrictions

  1. Log in to MYOB Practice as a Practice administrator.

  2. Click All clients on the client sidebar, and click Contacts in the top menu.

  3. In the list, find the client you want to restrict access to, and click anywhere in their row except for on their name link. The detailed view panel appears on the right of the page.

  4. Click the ellipsis in the detailed view panel and click Manage access.

    You can also access these options from the client workspace. Click the arrow in the Details pane.

  5. Choose who should have access to the client’s details:

    1. All staff: No restrictions will be applied. All staff in the practice who are MYOB Practice users will be able to view the client’s details.

    2. Specific staff: All administrators plus any users you add in the Manage access window will have exclusive access to the client’s details.

  6. To give a non-administrator access to the client, click Add Staff.
    You can search for a staff member, or select them from the list. Administrators aren’t listed because they can always access all clients, whether restricted or not.

  7. To remove someone’s access, click the x next to their name.

  8. Click Save.

To edit staff access to restricted clients


If a client is currently unrestricted, follow the To add or remove client restrictions procedure above instead.

  1. Log in to MYOB Practice as an Administrator, click Settings (the cog) on the left of the page and click Users.

  2. From the list of staff members that appears, select a staff member and click Manage access.

  3. In the Manage access window, add-down list.

    The list only includes clients who’ve already been restricted to administrators and specific staff.

  4. To remove this staff member's existing access to a restricted client, click the x next to the client’s name.

  5. Click Save.

    When you add a user, you can also select the restricted clients they should have access to.

What happens when a client is restricted?

Practice administrators can access all clients.

An MYOB Practice user (who's not an Administrator) can be restricted from viewing certain clients and other features that are related to that client.

Here's a summary of how different activities in MYOB Practice are restricted for users who don't have access to a restricted client.

Restricted information and activities



If a user is restricted from accessing a client, they...


can't create advisory reports for the client's linked AccountRight or MYOB Essentials file


can't publish or view documents that have been sent to the client’s portal, or have been uploaded from the client's portal.



can't view the client's contact details, such as phone numbers and addresses, their date of birth and tax information.
Restricted clients will show with a padlock icon in the Client list for all administrators, and for staff who do have access to them.
If a staff member doesn't have access to a client, they won't see them in the Client list.


can't create a portal for the client, or add them to an existing portal.

can't view or edit a portal that the client is part of, even if the portal is shared with clients that the staff member does have access to.

can't be selected as the default "Send as" or "Notify" user for the client's portal.


can't create or view tasks for the restricted client, or for any other client they share their portal with.

For example, if you want to create a coding report for a client you do have access to, but they share a portal with a client you don't have access to, you can't create coding report tasks for either of these clients.

can't be selected as the "Send as" or "Notify" user for a task that relates to the client, or any client in the same portal.


can't view, prepare or lodge tax forms or activity statements (AU) for the client.

Client files

can't view the client's MYOB Essentials or AccountRight file on the Transaction processing page if it has been linked to the client record.

Why doesn’t the Client files page show the files I created?
If you’ve recently created a file, perhaps someone has restricted your access to the client. The Client files page only shows files linked to clients you have access to. If your access has been removed, you can get access again by contacting an administrator in your practice. Another reason you might not see the client’s file on the Client files page is if your user account or advisor account has been removed from the client’s file. Learn about getting and removing access to a file.

More role restriction options