When you add a new employee to MYOB Business, their details will be automatically sent to Inland Revenue (IR) if:
your business is set up payday filing, and
you're authorised to submit payroll details to IR (if you weren't the person who set up payday filing)
This means after adding an employee into MYOB Business, you don't need to also add them separately into your myIR portal.
Checking what's been submitted
Open the Payday filing page to see a list of employees whose details have been submitted to IR and the submission status (Payroll > Payday filing > Employee details submissions tab).
Click an employee to see details of their submission, or to troubleshoot submission issues.
Updated employee details are not sent to IR
After setting up a new employee in MYOB Business, if you update any of their details you'll need to make the same change to the employee in your myIR portal.
Fixing errors and rejections
If a submission has a status of Error or Rejected, click the submission for more details. Fix an error or rejection.
If the status is 'Not submitted'
A Not submitted status means the person who added the employee into MYOB Business hasn't activated their payday filing authorisation.
Once authorised, a person can submit an employee's details. Just click the Not submitted entry, then click Submit to Inland Revenue.