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Pre-populating data into a tax return

Pre-populating data from Inland Revenue

When you add a tax return, your client's Inland Revenue data gets downloaded and pre-populated into workpapers and schedules that MYOB Practice creates for you.

About pre-populating your client's tax return


We’ll automatically create the schedules and workpapers when there’s data from IR available to use for pre-population. Check the table below for more information on which schedules and workpapers will pre-populate what type of data. This data will then integrate into the tax return.

You can edit or delete pre-populated information if it's incorrect or missing. If you need to pre-populate the data again, delete and add the tax return.

Pre-population happens only once – when you create the tax return. If Inland Revenue updates the pre-populated data after the tax return has been created, you'll need to manually update this data in your tax return to match IR.

You can also manually add tax workpapers and schedules.

Schedules and workpapers that get pre-populated from IR


Attachment or schedule

Income type description

Return type

IR833 Property sale information

Sale of property details

IR3, IR3NR, IR4, IR6, IR7, IR8, IR9

IR4J Annual imputation return

Opening balance


IR8J Annual Māori authority credit account return

Opening balance


Dividend income

New Zealand dividends

Non-resident dividends received

IR3, IR3NR, IR4, IR6, IR7

Estate or trust income

Estate or trust income

IR3, IR3NR, IR4, IR6, IR7

Expenses claimed

Non-business expense


Interest income

New Zealand interest

Reserve scheme interest

Non-resident interest received

Approved issuer levy

IR3, IR3NR, IR4, IR6, IR7

Income with tax deducted from summary of income

ACC (Accident Compensation Corporation) payment

ACC payment prior to 2006

ACC attendant care payment

Backdated lump sum payment from ACC

Backdated attendant care lump sum payment from ACC

Backdated lump sum payment from Work and Income

Casual agricultural employee (CAE)

Election day worker (EDW)

Employee share scheme (ESS)

New Zealand Superannuation or veterans pension

Paid Parental Leave

Salary and wages

Shareholder-employee salary

Student allowance

Work and income benefit


Look-through company income

LTC income

IR6, IR7

Look-through company income

LTC ring fencing rental losses

IR3, IR3NR, IR4, IR6

Main form

Excess imputation credits


Government subsidy (For 2021 onwards)

Leave support scheme

Short term absence payment

Wage subsidy scheme


Main form

Losses brought forward from previous years

IR3, IR3NR, IR4, IR6

Main form

Residential land withholding tax (RLWT) credit


Māori authority distribution 

Māori authority

IR3, IR3NR, IR4, IR6, IR7

Other income

Reserve Scheme Deposit

Reserve Scheme Redeposit

Reserve Scheme Withdrawal

IR3, IR3NR, IR4, IR6, IR7

Portfolio investment entity (PIE) income

Certificates (PIE)

IR3, IR3NR, IR4, IR6, IR7

Residential rental income

Excess deductions brought forward

IR3, IR3NR, IR4, IR6

Schedular payments income

Schedular payments

IR3, IR4, IR7

Shareholders salaries with no tax deducted schedule

Shareholder-AIM Tax Credit

Shareholder-employee salary

Employee share scheme (ESS)


Pre-populating association details

About pre-populating associations


The names and IRD numbers of associations will be pre-populated in tax returns if the association is present in the client details. For the association to be in the client details, you need to have added the associations to existing contacts in MYOB AE/AO. This works for:

  • shareholders in an IR4

  • beneficiaries in an IR6

  • settlors in an IR6

  • partners in an IR7

  • owners in an IR7 Look-through company.

Any updates to associations in the tax return in MYOB Practice won't be synced back to AE/AO.

You can also add associations manually or delete any pre-populated associations that aren't required.

Pre-populating bank account details for refunds

When a tax return has a balance to be refunded in the Refunds section, you'll see the bank account details associated with the tax type you're viewing.

About pre-populating bank account details


Bank account details are stored in myIR and will be used as the bank account for the refund.

The bank account details aren't automatically pre-populated when you create a tax return. You need to click Refresh bank details from myIR to see the details in MYOB Practice.

Refresh bank details from myIR option at the bottom of the Bank account details (from myIR) section

If the bank account details look incorrect or are missing in MYOB Practice, check and update the details in myIR and click Refresh bank account details from myIR in MYOB Practice. You don't need to have an Account name as part of the bank account details,

but if you're not sure if the details you see in MYOB Practice are correct, you can always click the refresh link to pull through the latest details from myIR.

  • Tick

    You'll see Refunds section 33 only when it's needed based on the tax return. For example, if the business income is negative, which requires a refund from IR. If the Refunds section is needed, you'll see it when you go to Tax > Compliance list and open a IR3, IR3NR, IR4, IR6 or IR526 return type.

  • Tick

    Each tax type can only have one bank account associated with it.

Errors and issues...

If there's an issue with getting the bank account details from myIR, you'll see a message in the Bank account details (from myIR) section.

Message saying 'We couldn't get the bank account details from Inland Revenue. Try again later. If the issue persists, check your client's bank details in myIR.

You can still file the return if the bank account details aren't correct or don't exist. In this case, IR will hold the refund and release it when the correct bank account details have been entered in myIR.

If you had a return in progress when this feature was enabled

If you have a tax return in progress when we made the ability to view bank account details available in MYOB Practice, you'll see a message at the top of the return saying you can Reload page to upgrade now. You can either:

  • Tick

    ignore the message and continue preparing and filing as you did before the feature was available.

  • Tick

    click the message. You'll be upgraded and, if a refund is needed, you'll see the bank account detail fields. The fields will be blank to make the upgrade faster. You can click Refresh bank details from myIR to populate the fields and the details will always be viewable from now on.

If you don't have a tax return in progress when we made this feature available, this feature will be available the next time you're preparing a return.